My visit to Heaven and other visions (Tuesday, June 8th, - TopicsExpress


My visit to Heaven and other visions (Tuesday, June 8th, 2014) In a vision I saw myself and other saints in space holding hands, we made a cycle around the globe of the earth, when I looked around we were just floating on air, the space was large, I saw billions of stars in space. It was so real and clear. I don’t know how we got there so fast and without warning. In another vision, I saw the power of GOD on servants of GOD working mighty deeds and creative miracles on the earth, to the point whereby people had holy fear about servants of GOD. I saw the effects of it on people like high volt electricity; many people shaking, vibrating, and falling, slain by the Spirit of GOD. In another vision; the LORD made me know that, people must have their names written in the lamb’s book of life by accepting HIM as their Lord and Personal Savior, then also store for themselves treasure in heaven, be rapture ready at all times.(In my other visit to heaven, an angel that looked like a brilliant star took me, we flew at a tremendous speed to heaven, on the way he began to share with me ways by which we can accumulate materials for our mansions in heaven, He spoke so fast that my mind could not process it all , The Holy Spirit had to remind me what the angel said, otherwise there is no way I can remember it, these are some of them, 1.Time spent in prayer and worship 2.Time spent reading the Bible 3. Feeding the poor, the less privileged, clothing the fatherless 4. Faithful Tithes 5. Winning souls for Christ 6.Giving offerings towards the work of GOD, the angel took me to my mansion, showed me ways to add beauty and increase size of my mansion) Also the LORD gave me revelation about persecution; true disciples will be persecuted like their master Jesus, but we must cheer up, we have already overcome them when JESUS overcame the world for us. JESUS is with us always.1John:4:4: Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. John:16:33: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. The LORD gave me a revelation about praying for finances; the LORD made me know that money is on the earth, the resources we need are on earth, HE has made all things available already, when we pray for finances we must rebuke the devil over our finances then claim the amount we need by faith and we shall have it. For example, Let’s say you need P2000 to do something this month, you can pray like this;” satan, I rebuke you, take your hands off my finances, in JESUS’s name, Dear Heavenly Father, I claim 2000Pula this month, I receive it now by faith in JESUS’s name”, Then make a corresponding action, praise GOD like you have it already, don’t worry, don’t doubt and see it in your mind already done, confess it is so. Your actions after prayer will determine if you will see physical manifestation of the miracle, Talk, think and act like someone who has 2000pula already, Mark:11:24: “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them”. Don’t hope you will have it, You are suppose to BELIEVE you RECEIVE your miracle before you PHYSICAL see it, Keep BELIEVING and KEEP CONFESSING it, then it will materialize into the natural. I was taken to Heaven, I found myself inside the temple in Heaven, there are many rooms or chambers as well as the throne, I found myself in a large complex room, it was golden, the walls, the floor were gold. There were many types of gold equipments in it; utensils of many forms, shapes, also there were many entrances leading to other rooms. I saw an angel appear on my left, He wore golden robes, very similar to the walls of the temple, his face was handsome, his hair was golden, He had no wings, He was tall, He was clear, real and vivid, when he came, I did not see him walking ,it’s like he just appeared instantly, when I saw him, I was intrigued by his beauty, I said “wow ANGEL”, then turned, the door facing north was open, there was light shining through it, white light, I saw another angel, this one had wings, his robe looked like it was made of different fabrics, it had trims of gold, and other colors, he was large, he flew out of the temple through the entrance on the north. I said “wow, this angel is different” Instantly I was taken to another room within the temple, I realized something, in my visits to heaven, that in higher realms of heaven they mostly use speed of thought, instant travel; I saw large transparent material between this room and others, some kind of clear glass. At first I was standing outside, looking into this room, it was full of glory of the LORD, I saw the ark of the covenant, it was in this fashion, firstly It was large, it appeared to be made of solid, pure gold, It had two long poles on the sides ,made of gold too, it was facing north-south direction, I saw two Cherubims of glory on the ark, they were facing each other, their color were of gold, when I was there, I felt as light as a wind, at another moment I felt I was outside room, at another time I felt I was inside, I could see the heads of Cherubims and body were of gold, they had golden wings, that spread over the mercy seat, that is when I saw large angels who stand before GOD Almighty. They were in white, their heads almost touched ceiling of the room, and they appeared large and almost transparent. The Shekinah, the golden light of GOD’s presence filled the whole place, and billows of golden smoke. It was so glorious, holy and splendid. I felt awe, the beauty of that room is indescribable, there are other things I saw there but words are inadequate to explain the majesty of the Holy of holies in Heaven. I was taken instantly from it. Heb:8:1: Now of the things which we have spoken this is the sum: We have such an high priest, who is set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens;A minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man. .. 5: Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount. Heb:9:23: It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us: Heb:7:25: Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. For such an high priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens Rev:11:19: And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail. After that, We were walking with some people towards the east, I saw large tree, the tree was loaded with fresh and exquisite fruits, they were light golden apples ,so many of them, some at the top, some on lower branches, we were picking them and eating them. They were so juicy and delicious. Then we were on large forest, so green, full of life, green trees, nature, as far as the eye could see, we were eating delicious orange fruits. I heard the voice of GOD say to me, “Ask to be taken by the way of the sea”, I began to pray and ask GOD to take me by the way of the sea, Immediately I saw large ocean with sparkling water, as far as the eye could see, so real and clear, I started to hover over it, flew next to it. I flew perpendicular to it, so near I could reach my hand to touch it, it was large ocean, and the waves, making shades of beautiful colors, so beautiful and magnificent. Its cleanliness and purity came with colors. The colors I saw were light sparkling blue, white etc you could fly over it, not be afraid, it was not dangerous water, you could not be harmed by it, I felt even if you could sink into it, you can still breathe and not suffocate. Also I was in my spirit body. In another vision, I was walking then I looked at myself, I saw a white robe on me. I began to wonder about saints who passed away, I thought of Late Choo Thomas and others, then I heard the voice of Jesus Christ, HE said, “When I take you to Heaven again I will show you Choo Thomas, She is there in heaven” Then I came back to my body on earth. As I was on my bed, I was taken into the spiritual world, I came to the kingdom of darkness, I saw a woman, it was like large cave, the walls were made of like reddish brown color, large and high, on the walls I saw pictures of many people around the world, white people, black people, people from different countries, tribes, walks of life, and their families. Some were football stars, some notable Christian leaders etc all these people were bound by this evil spirit, they could not free themselves, as long as their pictures were there, they were oppressed by this spirit. I had a revelation, that the woman I saw was a demonic spirit, it visits people in their dreams to sleep with them, spiritual wives, spiritual husbands. also I had this revelation, once a person realizes that the person visiting to sleep with him/her in the dreams is this demon of lust, then decide to be free, this evil spirit will start to fight them, and try to cause death, it does not want to release the victims. As I began to pray and bind it, my mouth could not open since we were in the spiritual world, our communication is done without efforts of words, she would face me eye ball to eye ball, it would change forms, as I commanded it to fall down and die, it would become overcome, fall down, and wake up, face me again, it was stubborn spirit, I saw the power of GOD tearing apart the rock at the top, I saw light entering into that place, the spirit fell down and its power was destroyed. These are true Experiences I had with GOD, All these visions where given to me on same day, 8th July, early morning. Every week the Holy Spirit takes me to heaven and shows me different things.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 19:36:40 +0000

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