My way of traveling Tip to - TopicsExpress


My way of traveling Tip to Vanuatu. cnn/2013/08/02/travel/20-travel-mistakes/index.html?iid=article_sidebar 1 - Over packing. We had german group few years ago to trek to Marakai.. O.M.G... Suit case ? Do you expect your porter to carry Suit Case ? Sorry, you cant take a suit case to the trekking... Traveling to the outer islands(Santo is ok) - Definitely No suits case, but Backpack is the way to go. And leave your big luggage in Port Vila or Santo as small planes only accept 10kg + you + your handbag !! 2 - Not buying something you like as soon as you see it Yes, you have a busy day, and you might not to get to the shop again, so If you want to buy a big Tam Tam ? Just buy it and Rap it up well to take it to the local post office to send it by the Sea freight than you regret later. 3 - Not checking your phone plan before traveling abroad Roaming are expensive ! Its so handy and Cheap to grab a TVL or Digicel Sim card while you travel especially to outer islands. Dont forget to check which one work on your island and dont forget to put in on your phone !! 4 - Trusting near city center descriptions You can trust Vanuatu one. Yeah, cost a lot of 100 to 150 vatu by Mini bus to get around Port Vila or Lunagville, so no worries in Vanuatu. Or yu jus wok about no mo !! 5 - Taking the super shuttle Remember the Taxi fare at Port Vila or Santo is very expensive and unfair, and hard to get onto the public bus from the airport. So ask what is the cheapest way when you book your accommodations, most of them have their own transfer. You might have to wait for other hotel passengers or to go around... why not ? you are on your holiday, Vanuatu time !!! 6 - Not tightening shampoo caps ... all the way Yes, you watch out to tighten cap of Kava bottle before you put it in your bag. 7 - Thinking you know the perfect time to book a ticket Check the special on Air Vanuatu and Book now when you decide to go !!! Dont regret !!! airvanuatu facebook/pages/Air-Vanuatu/304925221647?fref=ts 8 - Trying too hard to chisel out a bargain Really No point of asking discount at Local stores or Market in Vanuatu.... this is Vanuatu, you are not going to get any cheaper than what is already on the price. Dont waste your time and energy. Only local people can nagged at Mama in the Market :) 9 - Not changing money at the airport There is NO BANK at Santo International Airport, only ANZ ATM !!! Australian Dollar Cash are the best currency second to Vatu of course to use in Vanuatu, but only in Port Vila or Luganville. 10 - Underestimating the hell that is Heathrow Santo International Airport only has few personnel at the counter, so if you arrive less than two hours before your flight on busy day, you will be standing waiting for over an hour to get your turn... and dont go through to the terminal until at the end as you are not allow to take any water or drinks and there is NO BAR inside the terminal !!! 11 - Buying cheap flip-flops If you wanna walk around Vanuatu, bring well use to shoes or walking shoes or trekking shoes, and one pair of Thongs will only you need. 12 - Fearing street food Why you come to Vanuatu not to try Island Kai Kai ? You can try them to your accommodation on island night or at the Market in Port Vila or at Unity Park in Luganville, and all outer islands accommodation. They always use very fresh food. Just try and regret later !!! 13 - Buying a drum on the first day of a three-month trek across Asia You cant carry Tam Tam with you... Sorry. 14 - Over-reliance on guidebooks Yes !! Dont trust your guide book for everything as they written few years ago, and take some time to publish it, so Dont blame on your guide book or especially to my staff at my office said Millennium Cave Tour suppose to be 5,000 vt according to the LP !!! Sorry mate, its not our fault that the price are not same. Use your guide book as your tool !!! Always E.mail them or call them to check their current prices before you book. 15 - Not buying the full insurance policy Yes, dont risk your life. You never know what happen next anywhere in the world. 16 - bsessive photography Aha, its really me.... Cant help taking photographs. I love taking photographs. But yes, sometime we should use our own eyes to look things without camera lens. You will appreciate more.. 17 - Not checking visa requirements before departure Its not everyone in the world are allowed to travel to Vanuatu, so you better check Immigration policy. If you are, you will get a holiday visa on your arrival, but you will get kicked out if you dont have return flight ticket !! 18 - Attempting Berlin in a weekend Vanuatu is not a weekend get away... might be for some Australians take only 2 & half hour flight, but if you are coming here from the country long way away, take as much as days or weeks off and see as many islands as possible !!! You can tell your friends Ive been to Vanuatu only if you visited at least 3 islands in Vanuatu !!! 19 - Using a credit card to get cash Its totally true ! Dont waste your money on that ! In Port Vila or Santo, you can exchange most of the currency in banks. We have ANZ, Westpac and BRED. Or the major accommodations. You can get better exchange in certain exchanging places both in Port Vila or Santo, just ask your accommodation. But I wrote before, Australian dollar cash are the most popular notes to change. You will need Vatu cash in small changes(Dont bring 5,000 vt notes, no one can give you change). And this is very important for cruise ship passengers not to give out or pay by Australian or any other coins as the banks here would not accept to change. So its worth nothing for the local people. 20. Not printing out reservation details Yes, dont forget to print out important travel documents !!! Dont forget vouchers !! Additional - Dont forget to bring your C-card if you want to Scuba dive in Vanuatu. Overall, youve got to be patience and relaxed to travel in Vanuatu as everyone here are veeeery slooooooooooooow !!! Banks, shops, airports, post office, restaurants.... all sloooooooooow. You are in Vanuatu Time, Island Time :) If your flights, tours changed or canceled... No point upsetting yourself or their staff as nothing you or they can do about it, its finish, past. Think Positive and think what you or they can do for you next. Think positive and dont forget to smile when you travel, then you will have good time. I promise :)
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 11:54:56 +0000

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