M’ABR3 AB) WO HO KA, S3 OBI DE WO B3K) DE3 )Y3 - TopicsExpress


M’ABR3 AB) WO HO KA, S3 OBI DE WO B3K) DE3 )Y3 NOOOOOONSENSE!!! As I lay down this dawn unable to sleep, I decided to listen to one of my all time favourite hiplife songs by kwao Kesse. My friend, why do you always try to read politics into my choice of song??? I beg, allow me to enjoy my song small wai. Bra Kwao, please let’s goooooo. M’abr3 ab) wo ho ka, s3 obi de wo b3 k) de3 oy3 noooooonsense!!! Who is knocking on my door??? Oooh Mr. elephant welcome. Chai, you mean this song by Kwao Kesse has become nana Addo’s favourite because of the serious campaign Alan cash is undertaking??? Mr. elephant, don’t push me into wahala ooo. You know your colleague elephants in Ghana have specialized in insults n even Kuffour was not spared. Ok, narrate your own story so that they can direct the attacks and insults to you when they read it. Over to you, Joe Lartey elephant osono. Hmmmmmm Kwabena Phreddy, thanks a lot but please put that track on replay wai. It has to play till I am done with my story. I remember Nana Addo singing this part of the song just before coming here. “3hu me na m’ab) me tie, m’asan so m’atwa me seven in my riiiiide”. He was in tears while singing n repeated that part over and over again. He later told me about how he was comfortably living as a lawyer with a missing certificate and the son of a late ceremonial president before they hatched plans to form the npp in the early 1990s. He has since served the party in various capacities including leading them to two defeats in general elections as well as deceiving many to die in the KU ME PR3KO DEMO and Allan and his boys just pop up this time to demand medical report from presidential aspirants in the npp. There noooorrrrrr Kwao Kesse spoil inside by screaming “m’abr3 ab) wo ho ka, s3 obi de wo b3k) de3 )y3 noooooonsense”. Ajeeeeeeeeeeey Eeeeeeiiiiii Mr. elephant, please hold on ooo. Alan Cash also said recently that he could have been the flag bearer in 1996. I guess that means Alan has also been around for a whilem anaaa…… Massa massa massa, please stop what you are saying. Phreddy paaa, where was Alan even when my man was sharing an English exams paper of Kuffour during his Prempeh College days which Kuffour scored 14% to delegates at the congress that got Kuffour elected as flagbearer??? No wonder he often sings the part of this song that goes like”)l3 me ny3 adwuma me nk) school, nanso m’atapi cool”. From the beginning, Nana Addo was there some wai. Ajeeeeeeeeeey. Massa, this one de3, you and I were not there ooo. Let me start concluding my story wai, Kwabena Phreddy because thanks to efforts by the Mahama administration I have stable and reliable power supply now and I can’t afford to miss my favourite telenovela entitled “what life took from me” on UTV. I missed some episodes when they were trying to solve the problem and I am glad this time a government has thought of implementing long term solutions which will ensure that we don’t have same problem occurring again. Though I am an elephant, I appreciate the efforts of this government, with regards to how it handled this electricity wahala. Eeeeeeiiii, u seem to be diverting ooo. Ok, now back to the matter, open and close, touch your toes, continue with your story, Mr. elephant osono. Well Phreddy, my man wants to know where Alan was when he was telling the elephant family we all have two balls btw our legs as men and the 2012 elections was ALL DIE BE DIE and the npp had to win AT ALL COST because they were able show something small at Atiwa NA ATIWA KRAAA, Y3 KYER3 BIRIBI KAKRA W) H)??? Alan was nowhere to be found but suddenly pop up to tell the elephant family that they have to win the 2016 ELECTIONS AT ALL COST n the only way they can achieve that is by electing him Alan cash as the flagbearer. He wonders what makes Alan believe he can take care of elephants when he even failed TO TAKE CARE OF THE CASSAVA KUFFOUR GAVE TO HIM IN THE NAME OF PRSIDENT’S SPECIAL INITIATIVE. If the naked man promise to give you a cloth……. Kwaw Kesse never allowed me to complete my proverb but screamed “m’abr3 ab) wo ho ka, s3 obi de wo b3ko de3 )y3 noooooonse” Well Kwabena Phreddy, I am gonna end my story here but I can’t go without talking about how my Nana Addo fell from a collapsing platform during the 2012 campaign in Kumasi. Was Alan cash on that stage??? I did not see him but he recently said he helped my man campaign in 2012 wai. “M’abr3 ab) wo ho ka, na obi de wo b3 k) de )y3 noooooonsense”. I am off to go watch tv wai. Thank you Mr. elephant for sharing this story with me but next time don’t read political meanings into my choice of songs and please all elephants that get angry after reading this piece should direct their anger to their colleague elephant wai. By the way, he left his rendition of Kwao Kesse’s song behind and asked me to drop it for u guys so lets go. “Wo mboa dzi na 3y3 w) wo mother side no, 3de ba wo father side haaa 3y3 yawa…. Emi m’abr3 ab) wo ho ka, s3 obi de wo b3k) de3, )y3 noooooonsense(4X)… 3hu me na me y3 certificateless lawyer, ma san so me y3 son of a ceremonial president. 3se y3nti party, na y3 to ne din npp. Me y3 flagbearer 2008 n I was again a losing flag bearer in 2012. I will surely be a disappointed flagberer again in 2016 nanso oye sen s3 y3 b3 ma bankye wura no ak). Bankye kraaa w’anya amanfo) ma omo ant). Megezige Megezaga,Alan bra nima n3 hw3, oy3 yawa. Me se, megebankye, megecassava, bra cocainekrom b3 hw3, )y3 yawa”. Heeerrrrrh, Mr. elephant deserves a BET award this year. What a waaaaooooooooow, rendition. Me tu ky3 ma no…… Folks, I will drop the curtains here because I have to join my muslim brothers in prayers. I feel within that World War III will be between elephants in the bush in Ghana so I need to pray to God to make them fight in the bush n remain there because we don’t need any wahala and destruction in town again. We r yet to recover from the destruction of Ghana Airways, Ghana telecom, our oil, etc by the elephants when they last came to town for 8yrs. Let me say a big thank you to Mary Nkrumah Asswegnlaa and Belinda Belle Bose who have always been an inspiration to me before i go Catch u on the flipside, folks …… I am out of heeeeeeerrrrreeeeeee(In KSM’s shaky voice) Scribed By Phreddy Plies (JAH BE MA HOMEBOY)
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 07:24:31 +0000

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