NASIR EL-RUFAI IS INCAPABLE OF RULING KADUNA STATE... By pointblanknews John Dania. It is that time of the year when politicians and aspirants beg the populace for their votes, make empty promises and canvass for support, some even go to the extent of kneeling down, promising to bring down heaven to earth, the two most commonly used words are “Change” and “Transformation”. I believe in Nigeria, I believe there are a few good guys but experience in time past have thought people not believe in those stuffs, I would say Nigerians are becoming wiser. Yes, I am from Edo state but I was born and grew up in Kaduna state; an observer and I love politics. Enough about me, the question in mind is, can Mallam Nasir El-rufai rule kaduna state? My opinion? A big NO!I am not biased; I try to be as neutral as I should when it comes to politics. Mallam Nasir El-Rufai emerged the Kaduna State APC Governorship Flag Bearer seems to be the major contender for the seat against the incumbent Governor, Alh. Ramalan Yero. When growing up, I was thought that charity begins at home and I am pretty sure that is the belief of so many people. Mallam Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai (Born on 16 February 1960) was a former Director General of The Bureau of Public Enterprises, the head privatisation agency in Nigeria and also the former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja from 16 July 2003 to 29 May 2007. His spell with the government began under the transition government of General Abdulsalami Abubakar, where he served as an adviser in the Transition government. He was reportedly in self-exile during the tenure of President Umaru YarAdua. Read the above paragraph carefully, correct me if I am wrong but there is no mention of “Kaduna state”. It is just like me waking up one morning with a great vision of changing The United State of America as a Nigerian (It worked for Obama but at least he worked for His people before moving up the ladder but I may not be as lucky). El-rufai is an alien! It is our culture and tradition in Nigeria that before one is crowned a king or a given a title of a chief, he must work and his work in the town of local government be seen by all. (Ask my Igbo friends) El-rufai cannot just wake up one morning and claim he can change and transform Kaduna state (a typical politician begging for votes), from where? He does not even know what the plight of these people are. Just recently I read on Leadership when Nasir El-rufai disclosed he has no regrets for the demolition exercise he carried out in Abuja and will repeat same in Kaduna if elected governor. Let me help you here, Kaduna state does not need that now. Fine and good, you earned a degree as a quantity surveyor, but my friend, there is more to being a governor than demolishing and having unaffordable beautiful structures! Now you talk about replicating same in Kaduna state, a growing state that have less millionaires that can afford new houses for themselves if thrown out. I love development but not at the expense of hurting other people or rendering them homeless. Kaduna is not Abuja! My honest opinion, El-rufai needs to learn a little more about Kaduna state then come back 2019 to run, I might just consider but for now, sorry! El-rufai is incapable of leading Kaduna. John Dania is a freelance writer. You can contact me via my email john.dania2@gmail. The post Nasir El-rufai is Incapable of Ruling Kaduna state appeared first on Pointblank News .
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 06:53:33 +0000

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