*NATURAL COLD AND FLU REMEDIES* Its that time of the year. - TopicsExpress


*NATURAL COLD AND FLU REMEDIES* Its that time of the year. Irritating coughs, sore throat, runny nose.. heres how to treat it and get rid of the symptoms before you catch it! Gargle - Gargling can moisten a sore throat and bring temporary relief. Try a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water, four times daily. To reduce the tickle in your throat, try an astringent gargle -- such as tea that contains tannin -- to tighten the membranes. Drink Hot Liquids - Hot liquids relieve nasal congestion, help prevent dehydration, and soothe the uncomfortably inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat. Take a Steamy Shower - Steamy showers moisturize your nasal passages and relax you. If youre dizzy from the flu, run a steamy shower while you sit on a chair nearby and take a sponge bath. Sleep With an Extra Pillow - This will help with the drainage of nasal passages. If the angle is too awkward, try placing the pillows between the mattress and the box springs to create a more gradual slope. Whats are the best foods to help fight these symptoms? here is 5 of the best NATURAL cold and flu remedies. 1 - Vegetable Juice - Making and eating a salad is probably one of the last things youll feel up to while recovering from the flu. Down a glass of low-sodium vegetable juice instead. Youll load up on immune-boosting antioxidants and keep yourself hydrated. Craving a sweet taste? Go with 100% fruit juice. 2 - Chicken Soup - Nourishing and hydrating, theres also some scientific evidence that chicken soup may help with healing and have mild anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have found that hot chicken soup can improve the ability of cilia, the tiny hair-like parts of the nasal passages, to protect the body from bacteria and viruses. 3 - Garlic - If you feel up to it, garlic can be a good choice to spice up foods like soup. It appears to have antimicrobial and immune-stimulating properties and may give you slight relief from congestion. 4 - Ginger - Stomachache? Nausea? Ginger is a home remedy often used to soothe these symptoms. Some studies suggest it may help fight inflammation. Try adding it freshly grated or in powdered form to other foods, or drinking flat ginger ale. 5 - Banana - Sliced, mashed, or whole, bananas are easy on the stomach. They can be a go-to food if youve been hit with symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which often occur in kids with the flu. Bananas, along with rice, applesauce, and toast, make up the BRAT diet -- often the first foods doctors encourage people to try when they’re recovering from stomach flu and ready for solid foods. Hope this helps, have a great day everyone! :) - Scott Macey PT
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:03:38 +0000

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