NAWAZ SHARIFS PROTECTOR OF THAPPA-CRACY, “GULLU BUTT” BECOMES AN INTERNATIONAL FIGURE IN THE GOOGLE GAMES WITH ANDROID APPS. How to control 3 foundations of a state in a Nawaz Sharif model of leadership: 1. Executive (Family dynasty); 2. Judiciary & 3. The Parliament. Its a great lesson for Mogadishu, Rwanda & Swaziland War-Lords to introduce Gullu Butts to run their tiny states on the principles of Thappy-cracy, thus cheating the entire world by calling it a democracy where ballot boxes can bring 200% results against registered votes. Electorate would not be required to go to the pooling booths to wait in line or long queues. GULLU BUTT is the name of a philosophy in leadership models, such as great-men theory, transformational theory, charismatic leadership theory etc. Nawaz Sharifs Leadership model in Punjab is Gullu Butt leadership Theory. It applies to MQM in Karachi where it is, “BORI BAND LASH THEORY”. Part-2 of this leadership model is to BUY THE LOYALTIES through state assets. Buy the Chief Justice by placing his nephew as Ambassador to the U.S. The judge brings SELECTIVE JUSTICE. The 2nd foundation of the state is subdued. Part-3: THE PARLIAMENT and the last foundation in the state function are controlled through nepotism, and corruption under a principle of MUK MUKAO. IN POSITIVE & EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP MODELS, like Jinnah, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Mandela, Dr. King: In some leadership theories, a blend of two theories in the making of an effective leader, like President Obama with Charismatic and transformational traits of leadership to have emerged as a historic leader at world stage, a first African American in the 300 years of American history. THIS WAS A POSITIVE SIGN in dealing with racial disparity by a considerate electorate. THAT IS WHAT MAKES AMERICA, A GREAT NATION ON EARTH! EVIL LEADRSHIP MODELS, such as Hitler, Slobodan Milosevic, Narendra Modi: What is bringing Pakistan down in the list of TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL is the blend of Gullu Butt Theory of Leadership added with the MUK MUKAO theory resulting in the leadership of Nawaz Sharif. Pakistan will keep gliding down, if checks and balances are subdued. PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO COMMENT UNLESS IT IS COMPREHENDED: TO UNDERSTAND MY STATEMENT ON LEADERSHIP THEORIES, may I advise anyone less than an MBA qualification to avoid comments, or go to research reviews at a postgraduate model on leadership studies to understand what I have said, Professor Dr. Gholam Mujtaba, Chancellor York School of Health Sciences, New York.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:24:59 +0000

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