NEVER TOO LATE TO BEGIN AGAIN Behold, the new has come. 2 - TopicsExpress


NEVER TOO LATE TO BEGIN AGAIN Behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 It is never too late to begin again. Sometimes, because of our human fatigue, we think that we cannot start over. God is a God of second chances, third chances and fourth chances. God never stops giving chances for us to get it right and accept our good. Every day is a time of beginning again if we can let the past go. We have to work with God by being willing. Let the mistakes of yesterday go and begin again. Imagine today as a time of beginning again with a fresh start. As it says in our Bible, You will forget your misery; you will remember it as waters that have passed away. If anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. Make today a new beginning by allowing God to show you the way. God can give you a whole new life. God says to you that this day is the time that you can begin again. God prepares open new doors for you. Today is a day that you agree to meet life with newness of heart and spirit. Today is a day when you rejoice and give thanks for life because of the wonderful possibilities that it holds for you and that God stretches out before you. You do not worry about what you need to do; you think about God instead, and what God is going to do for you. You have a feeling of the inner relaxation and you give yourself time to enjoy new life. You become still, you take a deep breath, and you let go of tension and stress. It only takes a few moments to inwardly relax, and your regular practice of doing so will greatly contribute to your ability to follow God to a new tomorrow in your life. Right now, you do not dwell on what is past; you focus on the present moment and rest in the hope of God providing for your tomorrows. It is true; life at times may take unexpected turns for which you may feel youre not prepared. But God is prepared! In every turning, God is with you. Gods spirit is with you right now and therefore you are prepared to meet changing conditions and circumstances. When I am beginning again, I like to say this prayer: All things are working together for my highest good and happiness, and I am working with them in the wisdom and with the power of God. The Bible says, in Romans 8:28, We know that in everything God works for good with those who love God. . . To have the faith to believe that all things are working together for your highest good and happiness gives you a solid base from which to meet new experiences and challenging conditions. Can you begin again? Yes! Hold to the conviction that Gods good is coming forth in your life. It is never too late to have Gods good come into your life in better ways that you can even imagine with human mind. Let the love, power and wisdom of God flow through you and all things will work together smoothly to bless your new exciting life
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:41:51 +0000

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