NEW GROUP -COALITION OF LIBERATION FORCES (CLF) CLAIMS RWENZORI REGION ATTACKS, AND SAYS ALL ARRESTED PEOPLE ARE INNOCENT OPPOSITION FIGURES. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new group the coalition of liberation forces (CLF) has claimed it carried out all the attacks against police and army units in the Rwenzori region, and the regime after failing to get them, it turned to arresting innocent kingdom officials and members of the FDC.The Group says that the regime had always wanted to clamp down on the Rwenzururu kingdom, and also had wanted a reason to disorganise the FDC party which has the largest support in the region, and now it has struck and struck hard.The CLF says the charging of these innocent civilians before a general Court marshal will backfire in the face of M7 and will spel disaster for him.On its part. the CLF says its fighers are spread across the country and shall continue to wage war of resistance to the system.The former UPDF in opposition has since joined CLF, which has about 5 other Groups.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 13:52:12 +0000

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