NEW MOON in Aries is perhaps the most potent and significant New - TopicsExpress


NEW MOON in Aries is perhaps the most potent and significant New Moon of the entire year. It is the beginning of the Astrological New Year and a momentous time in history. Uranus, the Great Awakener, is conjunct this New Moon making it extremely dynamic and energizing. This will generate an acceleration of change and movement in most likely more than one area of your life. The sense of urgency may seem pressing and quite palpable. The energy present during this New Moon can help you to get in touch with what in your life is truly meaningful to you and meant to be. Life-changing beginnings and initiations are possible at this time. The influence of this particular New Moon in Aries may require that you make some radical change in order to take steps in new directions. Transformation have been seeded and action to bring in the new is being called for now. The seeds we plant and intentions we set this weekend will take us far into the future- so it is wise to take a moment to really get clear on what it is we want! In relationships, in work and career, in family situations, in finances, in health. Finding our own True North- that guiding Light that leads us back to our original selves- is the most potent manifestation of this lunation. Each of us plays a part in this collective rebirth. It is time to find and trust our own unique expression, and use our voice, our being, and our vibration to embody the changes and the energies we wish to experience. In order to truly ride this powerful trasformative wave of energy dont fear the changes, but embrace them with love, praise and gratitude. Like the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers reminded us this past weekend spent in deep ceremony and prayer, “The hardest journey is from your head to your heart, but once you get there, you’ll know who you are.” April is a radical month of shake ups, wake up calls, breakdowns and breakthroughs of massive proportions. As Pluto pulls down the decaying structures of patriarchal society (and corporations becoming ‘people’ is the ultimate sociopathic attempt by patriarchy to hold onto power), we need new ideas, new leaders and new structures that reflect true democracy around the world to fill the void left by Pluto’s destruction. And that includes equality not only between women and men, but between feminine intuition/feeling and masculine rationality/facts. We need both sides of our brains to help solve our problems and create a more caring, open and free society. Jupiter in Cancer opens our emotional bodies so we can integrate these transformative energies and find a new wholeness. Mars energizes our willpower as well as our desires, and Jupiter challenges us to include the desires of our community and our world. So you can see why this New Moon is so potent. The energy of transformation is being seeded within each of us. Find out where Aries and Mars are in your birth chart, and it will give you a good idea of the texture and focus of this new beginning and the kind of warrior energy you carry. The New Moon in Aries is a breath of fresh air as it provides the impetus to act in accordance with inner guidance and move swiftly. Consider this New Moon as an ignition point for the month ahead as it contains intensely accelerated unpredictable, transformational, and very creative energies and astrological configurations. As Joan Hodgson puts it “The angels of the fire element bring a release of divine energy which quickens the soul’s enthusiasm, confidence and hope. This is one of the best times of the year for starting fresh enterprises and for putting plans into practical operations.” Your instinctive knowing is stronger than usual so pay attention to your gut level feelings as they will be more accurate than your emotions or logic in many cases. New moon in Aries can help to purify your lower desire nature thus opening the channel for a higher will to come in. It can increase your enthusiasm, courage and overall energy. So once again, Happy New Year!!! ✨ Drawing by John Paul Lakan Olivares, Yuè Liang Guanyin, The Moon Goddess
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 06:10:07 +0000

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