{NEW POST} 4 Steps For Coping With Challenging - TopicsExpress


{NEW POST} 4 Steps For Coping With Challenging Relationships https://melissaambrosini.iljmp/1/challengingrelationships Hi beautiful, A few months ago I was really struggling with a particularly challenging relationship in my life. Things werent going well, to say the least. Heres what it looked like: Anger, anger, anger, resistance, surrender, opening up, closing off, sadness, letting go, shutting down, letting go, tears, opening back up, tantrum, getting furious, closing off, sadness, anger, blood boiling, releasing, letting go, anger, opening up... and so on and so forth. Thats the Gods honest truth. And thats life! Its messy and its beautiful. Its up and its down. And sometimes, it looks and feels like a dogs breakfast. But its also incredibly colourful and imperfectly perfect all at the same time. The trick is to not judge it. Hard, I know! Us humans LOVE to judge and label everything from situations to relationships. Whenever we can, we will whack a big fat label on things. Our Mean Girl loves them. She thrives on them. But I will let you in on a little secret... In order to release suffering its imperative to quit labelling. LABELLING CAUSES SUFFERING AND KEEPS YOU STUCK IN FEAR TOWN. You see, pain is inevitable. But suffering is a choice. Its easy to get caught up in the story and drama of the situation at hand, but whats that really going to do...? NOTHING! I know for a fact that the only thing it will accomplish is to cause more suffering and pain for myself. When you truly realise that every person (and every situation) is your teacher and an opportunity for growth, you start to look at life through a different lens. You see, when I was struggling with that particular relationship, I forgot the truth for a moment. Instead of seeing it through loves lens I was choosing to see it through my fear-based goggles. I was choosing to suffer. I forgot that my relationships are my spiritual assignments and I got totally sucked into the vortex of suffering. And let me tell you: thats not a fun place to be -- for me or for the people around me. But you know what? I came back pretty quickly, and that is what its all about. When you forget the truth of who you are (which by the way is LOVE) its your job to remind yourself as quickly as you can so you can return to love. Some times are harder than others (I know, I get it!) but -- like anything -- the more and more you practice, the better and better you get. Here are my 4 Steps For Coping With Challenging Relationships... https://melissaambrosini.iljmp/1/challengingrelationships
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:59:17 +0000

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