NEWS NUGGET- NIGERIA RETAINS THE POSITION AS THE WORLD MOST WATCH DESTINATION FOR INVESTMENT.- CHANNELS NEWS. Thanks President Goodluck Jonathan for these positive stride in the life of our Nation. You have built on the credible foundation of our forefathers. Nigerians will not watch and allow the history of our past leaders be stained with FORGERY and CRIMINALITY. Thanks for taking us out of an oil base economy. For the first time Agricultural Production in export is contributing to our commonwealth and providing alternative funds with the falling price of oil. We are seeing real CHANGE with your policies in Infrastructure, Agriculture, Aviation, Economy, Industrial Revolution, Railway, Women Empowerment, Power, Security ( with Challenges but your sincere efforts despite sabotage is appreciated). We thank you to the local contents in our production especially in the oil industry. We now see Nigerians handling jobs that use to be sourced out. We see more Nigerians talking charge in the oil and other industries. You recognised the CHANGE we need is fundamental- Constitutional. Also CHANGE that is not legislated cant be effective in a democracy. As a true democrat you gave us a National Conference which you had no input and let us to decide amongst our selves the CHANGE we want. Like a true democrat, you never bring down the Judiciary even if they are responsible for a lot of our problems for lack of conviction of corrupt people. No one in Nigeria has been convicted for corruption except Bode George that was pardoned. Akingbolas case is dragging forever. Like a true democrat you work with the Judiciary privately but to a limit as they are very independent. Thanks for addressing the youth unemployment by developing policies to address it. Every policy in your administration is employment driven. Thanks for U-WIN, Sure-P and the numerous soft loan facilities through the Bank of Industry and others. Thanks for these achievements knowing the challenges you faced from day one. You stayed focused and calm giving the outside world the confidence to look towards Nigeria for investment regardless insurgency. Nigerians will say no to undemocratic CHANGE. Nigerians say no to a FORGED CHANGE. Our history of leaders present and past will not be stained with Forgery. The next generation will not read of a leader who FORGED. NEVER. NO TO APCS CORRUPTION! NO TO FORGERY! NO TO CRIMINALS! NO TO APC.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:33:34 +0000

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