NEWS RELEASE SECRETARY OF STATE CANDIDATE JEAN SCHODORF PROPOSES CHANGES TO THE BUSINESS DIVISION OF THE OFFICE Democratic Candidate for Secretary of State Cites Need for Reform WICHITA, KANSAS Kansas Secretary of State Candidate Jean Schodorf is proposing several changes to the way that the Kansas Secretary of State’s office will fulfill its duties to the business of Kansas. This proposal comes after Schodorf has encountered numerous complaints about the Kansas Secretary of State office from business owners, local Chamber of Commerce members, CPAs and other Kansas business representatives across the state. Among the many duties of the Kansas Secretary of State are handling business formation documents, business name changes, business dissolutions, various annual business filings, and overseeing the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). I knew that there was a lack of leadership in the Secretary of State’s office,” said Schodorf. “However, after speaking with business owners and leaders from all over the state, I have truly learned how disorganized and destructive the business division of the office has become. It is clear Secretary Kobach is not tending to the store.” “I have heard over and over again about the inability for Kansas business to have the support they need to thrive in today’s economy,” continued Schodorf. “Poor customer service, unresponsiveness and wait times that go on for days, inadequate communication systems that force our businesses to send sensitive and private business information over unsecure fax lines, and more. This plan provides solutions to help our businesses succeed.” Schodorf’s plan for Kansas Business focuses on three major parts: improved customer service for Kansas business, establishing the Office of the Kansas Secretary of State as a centralized hub for helping Kansas businesses, and creating measures to help ensure the security of Kansas businesses from consumer fraud and other attacks. “Kansas businesses are paying the price for Secretary Kobach’s inattention to the job he was hired to do by the people of Kansas while he is out working on his personal agenda,” said Schodorf. “While attention to the job that the Secretary is hired to do will go a long way in providing solutions, this plan proposes changes that are needed to protect and help all business across the state of Kansas.” Schodorf, a former Wichita School Board president and State Senator, is challenging the winner of the Republican primary between incumbent Kris Kobach and Scott Morgan for the Kansas Secretary of State office this November. Schodorf is running on a three-point platform of representing only Kansas as Secretary of State, simplifying the current broken voter registration system, and making the Secretary of State’s office a one-stop shop for the business needs of Kansas.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 15:59:17 +0000

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