NEXT STAR WARS FILM! The Force Awakens Preview Part II (Repost - TopicsExpress


NEXT STAR WARS FILM! The Force Awakens Preview Part II (Repost edit) -------------------------------------------- A We Struck Magazine article By Executive Editor and lead: Prince Angel At We Struck Magazine Like our work? Hit like! Hit share! Follow us on Twitter @StillDumbStruck ----------------------------------- This past Thanksgiving, Star Wars fans have one more thing to be thankful for. I’m talking about the premier of the next Star Wars film trailer: The Force Awakens. The trailer is only one minute and forty-four seconds long, so it really is more of a preview. The trailer begins with someone who sounds like James Earl Jones talking (could Vader be making a comeback?) There is a clip of a droid rolling through the desert. Next we switch to a man in a ninja attire lighting a Dark-saber. There is a clip of what looks like dozens of Storm Troopers being deployed into battle. Finally we see an aircraft flying through the sky. So this trailer left me with a lot of questions. Like who is this man with the Dark-saber? Why is this droid racing through the desert? I thought Vader wasnt in this one. Why do it sound like his voice on the trailer? Where are the Storm Troopers being dropped off at? Who is in the aircraft flying badly? After seeing this trailer I am more lost about this movie than I was when I first learned about the movie. So I guess when they say teaser what they really mean is question maker because that’s all I was left with. Lucas-films sure knows how to get you all excited and frustrated at the same time! Unfortunately The Force Awakens will not be in theaters until: December 2015 Maybe before then we will actually see a real trailer. Till then I will keep you posted. This Prince Angel the Fresh Prince of We Struck Magazine signing off. ----------------------------------- Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens Preview Part II -------------------------- By, Prince Angel For the official We Struck Magazine Of the Dumb Struck Writing House ------------------------------------------ Read more at: Http://facebook/dumbstruckwritinghouse ----------------------------------- Wanna be a reporter? Can you write 5 sentences in a row? Ever considered being a paid, pro, famous blogger? Contact us at : Http://facebook/dumbstruckwritinghouse We are bringing on new staff internationally! up soon. Add Corey as a friend, and send him a message that you want to join! fb/coreylogang Want a soap-box? A large audience? We offer pay AFTER you establish yourself with us, and work hard, so start writing today to an audience of over 50,000 and GROWING WORLDWIDE!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 08:01:44 +0000

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