NICHIREN DAISHONINS GOSHO When you encounter a problem, first - TopicsExpress


NICHIREN DAISHONINS GOSHO When you encounter a problem, first and foremost, pray to the Gohonzon. No matter what happens in life~ keep forging ahead with daimoku as basis. Those who have this spirit will surely emerge victorious All hardships will be transformed into treasured memories. Such individuals can continue advancing with composure along the orbit of Indestructible Happiness We should not be swayed by victory or defeat in fleeting, momentary struggles. What counts is being victorious in the realm of eternal as a result of our unceasing commitment to fight to the very end of our beliefs as practioner of the Daishonins Buddhism and as human beings. The achievements of such eternal victors will shine undimmed into future generations. Many things happen in life .If all is smooth sailing ;we cannot grow and develop as human beings Experiencing problems and sufferings gives us an opportunity to become strong. It is by overcoming lifes storms based on a solid practice of faith that we can attain the unsurpassed life state of Buddhahood A pure and vibrant organisation can effectively block those who would destroy it No one with evil intentions can gain a foothold there. I hope this tradition of pure faith will remain forever K o s e n ~r u f u Kosen-rufu is an endeavour to sow the Seeds of absolute happiness~~seeds that enable people to feel that living is itself a joy in the lives of all people. Let us continue carrying out the noble endeavour of sowing seeds of Happiness in the lives of others by initiating sincere dialogues based on prayers for the happiness of our friends.. WINTER ALWAYS TURNS TO SPRING ADVANCING FEARLESSLY TOWARDS THE SPRING OF VICTORY SGI.PRESIDENT IKEDA said in his novel, THE NEW HUMAN REVOLUTION When the spring of victory comes after a winter of harsh trials.everything is transformed into Happiness and Joy. Without having cried, you cannot genuinely laugh Without having suffered,you cannot savour real joy Im sure there are times when in the midst of some difficulties you think Why me? ,but that in fact is your change, to fulfill the mission you have chosen. . The deeper your suffering, the greater your mission. Let us be convinced of the spring of victory in our lives and continue in our courageous endeavour to construct a youthful SGI WIN☺ WIN ☺WIN☺ ~~~WINNING 🙌💖 THE DETERMINATION TO WIN IS THE BETTER PART OF WINNING A GENUINE HAPPY PERSON IS ONE WHO HAS RENDERED OTHERS HAPPY☺😀😃😅📤📫✉📨📩📠📟📲🎆🎇📷🎹🎻🎷〽🎸🎺🎧🎨🎬📉📈📊
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:14:01 +0000

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