NIGERIA AS A LEGAL ENTITY, YOUR RIGHTS AND YOUR VOTE NIGERIAN AS A LEGAL ENTITY Nigeria today, exists as a legal entity by constitution because you the citizens exist, as constituents. If you look at the deserts in Africa, there are no governments in charge because no one lives there, to pay tax and are subjects for rule of law and to sign contracts to borrow money, for its inhabitants. Just like the Moon or Mars planets no governments because these planets are not habitable and no humans live there. Therfore, as stakeholders, you appoint by voting these politicians to take charge on your behalf, the affairs of your country. They negotiate on your part, local and international treaties and loans; which by implications you are subjected to and liable for its indemnities. Every debt incurred we are liable. Till today, Buharis criminal breach of metroline contract which is now in its billions are owed by the lagosians. His lack of knowledge of law and stupidity has incurred Yorubas a liability our children and great grandchildren will continue to pay for his stupidity and indolence. In order words, if you put a monkey in charge, it could turn your country, into a banana republic. Every government, we have had ruled our country like demagogues which implies that, they run it like their own business or legal entity. For instance, President Jonathan asked delegates from all areas of the state to attend a conference to discuss your future at a conference; without you deciding who best could represent you. This is definitely outside the realm of democracy. He hand picked those he feels are capable of determining your preferences and future, without your consultation. Did these delegates consult you or groups that represent your collective thoughts? Definitely not! Thats dictatorship and not democracy. He paid each member 12,000,000 naira, which is a liability imposed on your economy, without you agreeing to such conference and your acceptance of such liability. Hence, he has not disclosed the outcome or conclusion because he has decided not to. He is now a demagogue not subservient to you or the parliament. Hence he could waste your revenue and by himself keep you in the dark. Thats not democracy but dictatorship. Nigerians these useless form of governace could only exist because you abrogate your rights to men of no integrity or modesty. YOUR RIGHTS Your rights, which undoubtedly, are enshrined in the constitution are also affected indirectly by state legislations, when they concoct laws to suit the incumbent governors political agenda. They twick the laws to abuse the privilege, in order to take advantage of your rights, without your knowledge. Fashola the Lagos state governor did a lot of twicking the state laws, in contradiction of the constitution and common sense laws. Governor Fashola remains as today, the only Governor who deported citizens from Lagos state to other states. The provision in law states as follows: (5) Where the Governor withholds assent and the bill is again passed by the House of Assembly by two-thirds majority, the bill shall become law and the assent of the Governor shall not be required. It implies that the state assembly members agreed to such deportation orders, which in its content and act is unconstitutional unless the state of assembly approved it and clearly are redefining what a citizenship of Nigeria is and inhabitantion is, within the borders of Nigeria as defined in our constitution is. Please do not misunderstand the court decision on his deportation of indegenes of Nigerians in Lagos state. The court established the grounds upon those he claimed needed help to return to their state of origin but not right to live in any part of the country. However, it not of the deportation of who he defined as homeless and the removal of these He claimed these people wanted to return to their state of origin and he created a settlement centre to alleviate their homelessness then consulted their state of origin governors before deportation. This remains the worst court decision based on lies and despicable legal meandering. This governor hired thugs to hunt down non-indigenes and like Hitler who had Jews in concentration camp before burning them in millions, he created a settlement camp too then sent them to Anambra state where 200 were murdered and thrown into a river. Till today, no one has been charged for their deaths. We have over 2 million south west indigenes in kano city alone, should kano then deport our people to Lagos? Just because they are considered as undesirables? This is how one mans action creates civil unrest. DEBT These governors squandered revenue largely sponsored by international loans now running into trillion dollars debt. The most incompetent minister of finance Ngozi Iweala went wild with these approvals, like a baby given lollipop for being a reckless dumb kid. She allowed the rot and we have the auditor general and state auditors look on, as facilitators of embezzlements. They failed to curtail the excesses of these armed robbers in the corridor of power. It is reckless abandonment of their executives duties to rein in these illiterate governors. For instance, the largest stadium in Akwa ibom? How many games a year will be held there to make it viable? How many football club has this state? Elephant project with colossal cost with reckless abandonment purely embarked upon for graft!!!! VOTE Please Nigerians your local representatives, senators, governors and President are your servants not your masters. For instance President Jonathan sat on the bills passed by the senate for medical, education etc reforms and he simply sat on it like a fat dumb toad. However, if these legislators are intelligent, the law stated as quoted above that if he fails to give assents, it could still be passed as laws for reform. While hundreds died the dumb legislators allowed this clueless president to get away with it. NIGERIANS THESE LEGISLATORS AND EXECUTIVES ARE POWER DRUNK AND YOU DESERVE BETTER GOVERNANCE. THEY ARE YOUR HOUSEBOYS AND GIRLS TO DO YOUR BIDDINGS AND NOT YOUR MASTERS. VOTE IN THOSE WHO HAVE COMMON SENSE AND ARE READY TO SERVE YOU AND NIGERIA. Lord Abiodun Ogunseitan
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:32:51 +0000

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