NIGERIAN MASSES SEEM STRUCK MAD BY TRIBALISM, NEPOTISM AND PARTY INTERESTS – HENCE, THEY STAND BY AND WATCH THEIR MOTHERLAND BEING RAPED, ROTTEN! Dear Chief Joseph Fagbola, I feel very humbled to note from your FB post of this Sat; 08/06/2013 that you or anyone else for that matter could count common, little me among those to seek answers for our great and virtuous Motherland-Nigeria. Your assertion in FB post of Sat; 08/06/2013 that June 12 is Nigeria’s democracy day is right. The enthusiastic mass votes cast that day spoke volumes of the undying desire of Momma-Nigeria to give herself only to those she loves and not to be captured and ravished by just anyone who thinks he is as strong as Mike Tyson or as clever in dribbling like Maradonna! So, let those who seek to help Moma-Nigeria be integrity driven and show true love for her and not a make-belief love – jaundiced by tribalism, nepotism, sectional and party interests. The discerning public is watching. They are very sharp and wise to these things. They know at once when one is sincere and react in kind. Cure this madness of tribalism and Nigeria will be fine. Let me explain. Nigeria is still a virtuous Mother full of all those goodies you’ve enumerated. Those good things are safely tucked under her breast to feed and nurture all her children with. The allegory of her being raped rotten in broad daylight is befitting here. Remember the poor Moma-Nigeria doesn’t lie back and enjoy being raped. Oh no, with the last breath in her feeble bosom, she is grimly fighting back. It is only that these rapists are just too strong for her! Our bro, Ogunye in his riposte (FB, 8/06/2013) said these rapists must have attended a “special school” of wickedness and hard-heartedness. They must have learnt there never to show kindness at all when they despoil and brutalize this virtuous woman. What is saddest is that this poor woman trusted them. That is how Nigeria got them elected (some say, “selected”) into office. Now, they’ve proved “too strong for Moma-Nigeria” only because the many strong children of hers have refused to come to her help! All they think of is the personally gain they think they can get from their tribal and partisan support. Yomi Salu (FB, 08/06/2013) rightly says they lack vision. It seems they lack vision so much so that they rather take sides with these crude brigands raping their mother! Thus they forsake their mother only because the rapists have promised to give them “a little something afterwards?!” With that, Mother-Nigeria’s children, these teeming, hardworking masses that Fafiyebe (FB, 08/06/2013) has pinpointed, just stand back and watch?! Watch their mom being raped!? What kind of children are these!?? Did you hear me, Fagbola Sir?! Strong children of Motherland-Nigeria are watching their Mother being raped! They’ve heard her cries! These cries of anguish and shame are heard everywhere! Oh, if only you knew how strong, how tall, how stout and how many in number are the children born by this woman! They, on their own or with consistent mass rally of the wider masses and the global village could very easily drag these riff-raffs off their mommy! Haba!! Here lies the problem. These otherwise good children of Moma-Nigeria lack that central focus to salvage and maybe avenge their grossly abused mother. Focus? No! Their minds are scattered in many different directions by tribal sentiments. To them it matters not how obtuse and inglorious the tribal sentiment is. What of party loyalty too? You could hear their bent mind telling them: “There will be a little something for you only if you support these rapists to the end!” So, Sir; when you say, “The best are yet to be born,” it hits a nerve; for it is so sadly true!*
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 01:49:22 +0000

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