NIGHT TIDE By: ME…of course. The bright orange sun quickly - TopicsExpress


NIGHT TIDE By: ME…of course. The bright orange sun quickly melts behind barren dunes, and the changing colors of the day soon fade, leaving behind a black and white world that is briefly bathed in full moonlight, then hidden from view by a fickle moon that brazenly shows its face one moment…then coyly hides behind racing clouds being chased inland by a brisk night wind coming home from the sea. A deserted jetty reaches its rocky finger far into the dark, endless waves; and at its end, two bodies huddle close together against the distant, oncoming storm. Hearts beating as one. Body heat their only blanket. Exhilarating in the power of God as the steadily marching breakers boom like canon fire that resounds off the slick, granite rocks…then showers them in a fine salt spray to be hungrily felt and tasted. A bottle of white zinfandel and two Dixie cups from the 7-11 across from the seawall. Meandering down the beach, side by side, moving in and out like sandpipers at the capricious whim of the surf. Footprints quickly erased. Shoulders occasionally brushing. Seriously discussing impenetrable nothings whose silly answers soon dissolve into helpless giggles. Sidelong glances frequently exchanged…accompanied by shy, demure smiles. Conversation slowly gives way to a needful, breathless silence. The rapidly approaching storm comes to their rescue, sending infrequent, late-night beachcombers scurrying like sand crabs back to their rooms for shelter as the warm, silver rain begins to fall, discreetly drawing a curtain against the intrusive night sky. The beach belongs to them. And the soft white sand, still warm from its day long, mistress-embrace with the jealous summer sun…soon becomes their bed.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 00:41:22 +0000

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