NIV Bible Controversy March 16, 2011, 5:08 pm In the last weeks we - TopicsExpress


NIV Bible Controversy March 16, 2011, 5:08 pm In the last weeks we have learned that the NIV version of the Bible has gone exclusively to what is called the gender neutral version. A few years ago they gave the option of gender neutrality in their TNIV, but continued to make their regular NIV as well. Now it seems that they are phasing out the regular NIV and combining it with the TNIV. I have stayed away from the new gender neutral NIV because the Word of God is the Word of God. If the Word says “he” or “him” or “his”, in the original Greek, then who am I to change it to “they”, or to “the human race”, because I don’t think the author meant only a man (as if I know what was in his mind!) It may seem little to some, but it is a gradual step towards changing what you don’t like later. All scripture is God-breathed and we are not to change it - even a little. When I read from the NIV in a sermon, I often get people wanting to buy the version from which I am preaching. Beginning this year if they go to buy a new NIV Bible, they can only get the modified NIV, as it is currently named. They will have just bought a gender neutral Bible and I will have unwittingly supported what I think is wrong. So, the Elders, staff and I are going to start using the ESV, or the NASB, or the NLT. The problem for me is that I have memorized a lot of scripture in the old NIV version, so it will take some adjusting. We as a church want to stay true to the Word of God and will not support a change that is not warranted by the Greek originals. I hope everyone understands, but even if they don’t we must be true to our consciences. We encourage you to educate yourself on this subject. Jim Putnam
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 23:10:24 +0000

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