NO DISRESPEK! ARE YOU THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE OR IS ORIGINAL ONLY SKIN DEEP??? If Islam is a religion from the seventh century, and a muslim is a person who follows islam, and Christianity is a religion from the second century, and a christian is a person who follows christianity then both Islam and Christianity are younger than African Pyramids. If Africans are a people whom have existed for millions of years before islam or christianity existed, and since Africans discovered and codified the precession of the equinox into twelve stages in the form of the zodiac, and since each stage of the precession is a zodiac which last of more than two thousand years, and since Africans have known this and been following and mirroring the precession for tens of thousands of years by building monuments made of stone for each new Age, then why are a advanced ancient people following two foreign religions that are younger than the last astrological age, if your the original people then where is your original religion? Why are Africans following a younger people which have no ancient m,onuments, no ancient knowledge, and no ancient history? Why are Africans taking lessons from hybrids they themselves created by mixing with Caucasians and Asians? Why not return to your ancient African cosmology and spirituality, why not be your original self, whit your original culture, and observe honor and cherish your original religions? African muslim, African christian, where is your original path to enlightenment? THE QUESTION IS: "SINCE YOUR THE ORIGINAL MAN, WHY ARE YOU NOT FOLLOWING AND HONORING YOUR ORIGINAL RELIGION???
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 22:02:25 +0000

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