NO HDMI INPUT = NO SALE!!! Dear tablet/smartphone makers... - TopicsExpress


NO HDMI INPUT = NO SALE!!! Dear tablet/smartphone makers... when will you finally INNOVATE??? Yes, that means you Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, etc. P.S. Thinner and lighter isnt innovation, its just following the trend rather than creating a new one. Hows this for an idea? Simply add a dual purpose micro HDMI input/output port to you tablets/phones (yes, these ports already exist: dell/us/p/alienware-17/pd.aspx) so that your devices can dual purpose by offering truly useful options such as: 1. act as a high-rez, zero-delay external monitor for any video producers/photographers/GoPro users, etc, whether professional or not 2. act as larger playback monitor for anyone viewing pictures/videos from a point & shoot camera/camcorder 3. tablets could serve as a second, battery-powered screen for laptop users on the road 4. add a touch screen interface to any computer (imagine using your tablet as a touch screen for your laptop/desktops full version of Photoshop for example!) 5. etc, etc, etc. For all of the benefits that would be earned with the addition of one simple port + minimal supporting firmware, every manufacturer on the planet continues to fail to deliver this simple innovation. Every manufacturer except for one: Wacom with their Cintiq Companion Hybrid (cintiqcompanion.wacom/CintiqCompanionHybrid/en/). Unfortunately, the Companion Hybrids size, weight and starting price of US$1300 make it completely unappealing to the general public. Products that accomplish the functions above already exist, but in every case they fail to be nearly as good as a connected tablet and/or smartphone would be because theyre too expensive (external video monitors for video producers can easily cost thousands of dollars!), too heavy/bulky, too low quality and/or too limited (external USB-cable powered monitors, for example, exist and serve as a second monitor for laptop users, but serve no other function whatsoever). Manufacturers are proving that unless we speak up, theyll continue to serve up endless rehashes of old ideas while failing to innovate. If youd like to see truly useful tablets/smartphones on the market, please speak up by: 1. emailing this message to manufacturers 2. liking/sharing this thread 3. copy/pasting this info and/or typing No HDMI INPUT = NO SALE! in the comment section of any forum threads, news posts and/or YouTube videos about tablets/smartphones Lets stop buying up any garbage served up by the likes of Apple, Samsung, etc, and lets start demanding products that suit OUR needs! The technology already exists. Unfortunately the corporate will to deliver it still doesnt. Thats where we come in! Please share and comment! BTW, Im not the only one who wished connected tablets/smartphones existed. In my search for such a device, Ive encountered dozens people asking for the same thing on forums. One user even created a mockup site of what he calls the Input tablet! playerportal.weebly/
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 22:22:14 +0000

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