NOT EVEN THE GREATEST MATiICIANS CAN HELP YOU IN THIS. READ BELOW: JESUS HAD HIMSELF FORETOLD THAT HIS MIRACLE WILL BE THE MIRACLE OF JONAH . For as Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the whale’s belly so shall the son of man be 3days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.(Matt 12:40) He himself had told that he was not to die. His own prophecy. He said that the only sign he was to give was the sign of Jonah. I’m asking my Christian brothers what’s the sign of Jonah?Go to the book of Jonah, it’s only one page in the Bible . It won’t take two minutes to read. So I’m asking you what is the miracle of Jonah? When Jonah was thrown on-board was he dead or ALIVE? ALIVE. A fish comes and goggles him up dead or ALIVE? ALIVE. From the fish’s belly he prayed to God for help, do dead people pray? So he was ALIVE. Three days and three nights the fish took him round the ocean dead or ALIVE? ALIVE. On the third day vomited him on the seashores dead or ALIVE? ALIVE. Jesus said for Jonah was 3days and three nights in the whale’s belly so shall the son of man be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. I’m asking my Christian brothers how was Jesus in the tomb for three days and three nights? They will say he was dead. Is that like Jonah or unlike Jonah? Jesus said he will be like Jonah and you Christians says he is unlike Jonah. I’m asking who saying the truth, is it Jesus that’s lying or you Christians that are lying? Who is speaking the truth? Jesus or you the thousands of millions Christians? He was emphasizing the time factor. He used the word three 4times to emphasize the time factor. There is nothing miraculous about the time factor. The miracle is if you expect the man to die and he didn’t die that’s the miracle .But you insist that it’s the time factor no problem .When was he crucified? You said Friday afternoon. How long was he on the cross? Some say six hours and others say three hours. Whichever it’s I agree. The Jews were in a harry to bring him down because of the Sabbath at hand. Friday sunset according to the Jews calculation it’s Saturday. So Friday night he was in the sepulcher, that’s he was in the grave on the Friday night, Saturday day he is still suppose to be in the grave, Saturday night he is still suppose to be In the grave, Sunday morning Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and the tomb is empty. That is how many days and how many nights? That’s two nights and one day. Do the calculation yourselves. TWO NIGHTS AND ONE DAYS NOT THREE DAYS AND THREE NIGHTS. He said for as Jonah was 3days and 3nights in the whale’s belly so shall the son of man be 3days and 3nights in the heart of the earth. May God have mercy on the souls of our departed love ones and Sheik Ahmed Deedat(pbh) . ALLL MY INVESTIGATIONS IS MOST PARTLY FROM THE LECTURE OF OUR BELOVED SHEIK AHMED DEEDAT. MAY THE PEACE AND BLESSINGS OF ALLAH BE UPON HIM. LOOK OUT FOR MORE FROM ME. SALAAM
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:01:57 +0000

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