NOTE: Ferguson Riots and protest are not about Injustice, Brown or - TopicsExpress


NOTE: Ferguson Riots and protest are not about Injustice, Brown or Wilson, these are just excuses being used for a broader plan of Obamas and the WH, players are Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, Al Sharpton, Farrakhan, and any Democrat they can lean on to cooperate with the plan. Obama has announced that he will be discussing the Ferguson situation with several different groups on Monday, to include his Cabinet, racist agitators, law enforcement officials and others. Oddly, the Cabinet meeting is said to be aimed towards a review of federal programs which supply military-style equipment to local law enforcement agencies. That timing is curious and concerning as to what the subversive Obama might really be up to. As he is clearly in the process of usurping local police authority under the guise of civil rights protections, one has to question his actions. Is his objective to remove the equipment from the jurisdictions to provide less resistance, or is he planning to fully arm them prior to asserting federal control. He would then be in control of his infamous civilian national security force he spoke of in 2007 during his first campaign. We should not allow ourselves to be deceived into thinking those were merely empty words. He’s also scheduled to meet with “young civil rights leaders” to discuss the challenges created by the “mistrust between law enforcement and communities of color.” He’s publicly meeting with the agitators to focus attention on another of his many created crises, and he’s already labeling the police as the offenders in the announcement of his “stated purpose.” The second sentence of a discussion in which the first sentence is “why do you mistrust the police” will undoubtedly not be “because they might catch me stealing Swisher Sweet cigars.” It will be something along the lines of “because they’re racists.” It’s more of the same victimization tripe the socialist Democrats have been serving up since 1968 and they are still trying unsuccessfully to disguise the awful smell and taste. Next on the agenda will be a meeting with government and law enforcement officials as well as community leaders. The pretext for this gathering is a discussion of “how to strengthen neighborhoods.” That is a meaningless description, there is no such thing as a strong neighborhood. There might be a secure neighborhood or a wealthy neighborhood or one in which the properties and infrastructure is in good repair, but those aren’t issues of strength. What the term “strong neighborhood” provides is a strictly subjective problem to which they can apply a strictly subjective “solution.” That solution will surely involve federal oversight at some point in the near future, the ultimate purpose behind this entire ridiculously transparent charade. Obama will listen to the community leaders, whose numbers will likely include many “Reverends” who hope someday to become as infamous as Jesse and Al. He’ll listen to some of the government leaders, the ones he is already familiar and allied with as well as those through which he can insert federal programs and controls purchased through the payment of taxpayer dollars as an incentive or as rewards for allowing him to seize some power. He’ll pretend to listen to law enforcement although their fate is largely already sealed. They will be the parasitic host to which his regime will attach themselves during the takeover process. He’ll do his best to make it look relatively spontaneous, but this is all nothing more than elaborate theater and we already know the ending he has scripted. SEE VIDEO: gopthedailydose/here-it-comes-next-step-in-obamas-plan-to-exert-federal-control-over-local-policing/
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 15:22:34 +0000

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