NOW IS THE TIME. Now that the referendum is over the newspapers - TopicsExpress


NOW IS THE TIME. Now that the referendum is over the newspapers have resorted to business as usual having accomplished their aim regarding Scotland. You dont see any mention of the Scottish question anymore or the vow the London based Parties made to the Scots. They are keeping that off their headlines because they want us to forget the part they played in talking down Scotland. They want us Scots to return to the political shadows in blissful ignorance and apathy, but they are wrong about that. What happens in the North is of little interest to the London owned media now, but in the months ahead that will all change. For the past two years we Scots were bombarded by the biggest political tirade of propaganda in our countrys history. Many will be feeling numb after the relentless propaganda and others will be indignant that the liars and cheats won the day. Fear conquered Hope which tells us a lot about the mix of Scots alive today. Sadly the effect of the propaganda imposed on us and perpetrated by self serving Labour politicians, Tory businessmen, and the London controlled media has left many Scots afraid of independence. The old adage that if you repeat something for long enough, people will start to believe it, was exactly what they wanted and achieved. Remember Darling harping on about a plan B? I saw billboards around Scotland stating dont risk your pension or pound in a blatant attempt to scare the elderly. The fact that both governments had guaranteed pensions made no difference to their fear tactics. How the London lot must have laughed at our gullibility. The election of a UKIP MP with a huge majority tells us that the people of England are poised to come out of Europe, and that will cost jobs in our country. The Nissan CEO has already said his company would reconsider their position if they are forced out of the worlds biggest free trade market, and other multi nationals will do the same. Withdrawal is the backbone of UKIPs policy and the reason the Party was formed. Farage was a London city trader who doesnt give a damn about manufacturing, and for him unemployment will be a price worth paying; a scenario familiar to all Tories. Their members are right wing conservatives of the Little Englander mentality who consider themselves to posh to join the BNP, or EDP, and many have shown just how excentric and down right racist they are with their inane statements. We must now consider that there are many such people in England and the consequence of more victories for UKIP bodes ill for Scotland, because UKIP are not well disposed towards our REGION. They would like to close Hollyrood and scrap the present funding for Scotland altogether. The No voters have thrust our country into a cesspit of doubt and fear as to what will happen next in Westminster. But one thing is certain, Scotland and the Scots are going to suffer, because in order to survive the other London based Partys will have to outdo UKIP. We in Scotland must brace ourselves for another bout of propaganda when we approach the general election in May 2015. The Labour Red Tories will be telling you how you must support them to kick the Blue Tories and UKIP out of Westminster. The same old ploy they have used at every election with great success, even though the evidence of their indolence to improve our towns and cities when elected is there for all to see. Since Milliband has stated that he intends to maintain the Tory spending plans, what is the point of even thinking about voting Labour? We Scots must not forget how our present Labour MPs stood side by side with the Tories advocating a No vote and all the threats and lies they uttered. Dont forget how they voted for a welfare cap while their constituents were suffering under this Tory governments pernicious policies. Why did they do it? Because their London leader ordered them to. Dont reward them with your vote to save their lucrative jobs and bottomless pit expenses as they dont deserve it. They betrayed the Scottish people as did the Tories and Lib Dems. and they should pay the price for that. Only the SNP fights for Scotland and the Scottish people, none of the London based Parties do, and certainly not UKIP. If one of Edinburghs Pandas stood as an SNP candidate against that lot I would gladly vote for the Panda If a Labour campaigner knocks on your door consider this. If Scottish Labour really cared about eliminating the Tories from Scotland they would have supported the YES vote which would have guaranteed no more English Tory governments for Scotland. They would then have had a chance to reinvent their Party into a simile of what it used to stand for, but they didnt. They are more concerned about the welfare and power of the Labour Party in London than their own constituents whom they have condemned to more economic hardships with their actions. The evidence of that is now a daily occurrence and tells you a lot about our Labour MPs. Red Tories is a good and apt name for them. These Labour MPs have been feathering their own nest at the taxpayers expense, just as much as the Tories have. They obviously didnt want to have their snouts shoved out of the trough when there was easy money to be made. Jim Murphy (the egg man) has racked up a cool £million in expenses alone during his tenure as an MP. Not bad for someone who hasnt held down a normal job in his life. Being nominated by Labour has been like a winning lottery ticket for him and his fellow parasites and he doesnt even have to do anything for it; just vote in favour of what Milliband, their pathetic leader wants. History has shown us that Scotland has always been a country where the people had divided loyalties and that has always been our tragedy as a nation. Our land border with England has always been our countrys curse. For hundreds of years some Scots and aristocrats favoured the English dominion over Scotland in preference to their own countrymen. Our history is unique in that respect, and is why we lost our independence in the first place. The Scottish people didnt matter then and they dont matter now to the Westminster elite. Only the topography of our land mass matters, and what it can provide. The Scots who voted No are this centurys manifestation of that same old problem that suggests many Scots now want to forget their history and settle for Scotland being no more than a region of greater England; Scotlandshire is an accurate description of what they have voted for. Its so sad that they have no ambition or belief in Scotland as a country, preferring instead to be ruled by whomever the English people vote for like this rabid right wing Tory government. Their despotic ideology of penalising the poor has become an obsession. With the fascist UKIP on the rise in England and their racist ideology gaining support, the future looks bleak for Scotland. With another millionaire socialist like the hapless Milliband in charge of the Red Tories offering no respite from the Tory austerity there is nowhere to turn to, except the SNP. The Tories are paving the way to do whatever they like to the people of the UK with nobody to shout foul and stop them. They are determined to turn the clock back to a time where the rich political elite had total power over the masses, and where the poor knew their place in society. Their next step is to withdraw from the European Human Rights charter, further diminishing the freedom of our people who do not have a written constitution guaranteeing their rights. They will claim it is to make Britain a safer place but who will be left to protect the peoples rights from them? Nobody...The Paedophiles in their ranks will be rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of the citizens having their human rights removed. At present, we Scots have the buffer of the Scottish government to protect us from the worst of what the Tory zealots can impose. Hopefully, in the future that buffer will be a permanent feature but at present Westminster can dissolve the Scottish parliament at a whim as they have sovereignty over Scotland. The fight for independence will go on and the English owned media and Unionist politicians will have to accept that fact. Cameron wants us to accept the referendum result and forget about independence; well he would wouldnt he? He also wants you to forget about the evidence of vote rigging that is on YouTube, something he hasnt commented on. We have to ask ourselves how many other instances were not caught on camera? I for one will never believe that the YES campaign only got 45%, it is just not credible. I will go to my grave believing the vote was manipulated to make sure the No vote won. Dont let up with the drive for independence, if you havent joined the SNP then do it and become part of the movement for change. It is incumbent on all free thinking Scots to get involved and not to let the grass grow under your feet. The establishment want your resolve to dissipate which is why the media and TV have dropped the Scottish question, but we must keep it alive. Come the May election we Scots can change this country for good if we campaign to promote the SNP throughout our land and point to the duplicity perpetrated on our people pre-referendum. Hopefully in the months ahead some No voters will see the futility of continuing to trust the Westminster politicians who blatantly lied to them. Without independence Scotland will only get poorer while the South grows fat on the back of our exports. Never doubt it. Even if we dont achieve enough MPs to achieve independence a large group of SNP MPs will guarantee a strong voice in Westminster for Scotland. Voting Labour in the past has achieved nothing for the Scots, and we must face that fact and come to terms with it. The referendum result was a farce and an affront to democracy but there is nothing we can do about it. We must move on and focus on what we as an individual can do next. Now is the time to stand up and be counted. If you have already joined the SNP then try to get your friends and family to do the same; its not enough to vote for them we should all want to be part of the movement for change so we can say I helped to do that. Its time for Scots to be brave and forthright; its time to do what is right for our people and fight for what should be ours. IT IS TIME to set Scotland free, and that fight starts now. Alan N McPhail
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 01:45:01 +0000

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