#NS&Cgroupproject FADE IN: Hello folks, its the first day of - TopicsExpress


#NS&Cgroupproject FADE IN: Hello folks, its the first day of December 2014 and I am happy to announce that I have secured members of the team that will pilot our film project to fruition. These are a mix of some of the most gifted and experienced veterans here, some new comers, aspiring filmmakers and writers, ladies and gentlemen of the highest integrity in my opinion, with the capacity and passion to pilot our project to fruition in an administrative role. Their names will be released soon enough. Today and the next few days, we will use to develope and put administrative structures in place, as well as deliberate on crucial issues arising. Once this is done, the project will come to life, and I assure you, every member of this group will have equal opportunity to participate in one form or another to ensure our success. So do not fail us, cos we will not fail, and if we do, it wont be because we are not capable of rising to the occassion as a group, but that we are incapable of rising above petty, selfish and base considerations. Please let us join hands together like one family that we aspire to be and show the world what Nigerians are capable of. So accept my hand in fellowship and enthusiasm, and my congratulations - Oh yea, I wish you guys a happy, successful and brand new month of possibilities. YES! Let us bigin.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:05:21 +0000

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