#NUTSHELL – AUGUST 3rd — FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES – Acts 2:37-47: The early church in Jerusalem was dynamic. Thousands were receiving Christ as Savior. Miracles were confirming the Apostles message. There was a daily fellowship of believers that was rich and transforming. The original group that met in the upper room was outnumbered by new believers that were saved on Pentecost. However, there was still reasonable harmony in the church family. They worshipped daily and witnessed daily and “…the Lord added to the church daily” (vs 27). These believers needed the encouragement of fellowship. They were living in the midst of a hostile culture that later turned to persecution. This same need for encouragement took place a few decades later in Rome. Again, persecution hounded believers and many died for their faith. Even at this hour Christians in other parts of the world are suffering harsh persecution because of their love for Christ. We may not be facing physical persecution for our faith, but nonetheless, there are times we need someone to build our hopes, confidence and courage as we face troubling situations in our life. There are problems we face that seemingly have no answers. There are times we need a boost…a laugh…a blessing…a friend to listen. Believers, please hear me, if you neglect God’s gift of fellowship, it will be to your own hurt. The church in Jerusalem “continued steadfastly in fellowship.” Sunday worship at CrossRoads is vital but if you are going to experience the connection of fellowship, you need to get in a group. Make close friends, grow in faith, support and care for each other. It means getting together, bibles in hand and at other times it will mean that you’ll have food and fun! Your encouragement will be found by rubbing shoulders with those who have walked through the deep valleys and rejoice with you on your mountain top experience.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 11:00:46 +0000

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