#NUTSHELL – NOVEMBER 26th — JUST SAYING, ‘THANKS’ – Ephesians 1:16; Philippians 1:3-5: We’ve all had opportunities that have slipped away and we never know once an opportunity is gone, if it can ever be replaced. Those times when we should have said “I love you,” or “I appreciate you,” or “I’ve been thinking of you,” or just “Thanks!” How do we lay up those people opportunities? I’d like to suggest a few simple, practical ways to say, “Thank you.” First, we could revisit the lost art of writing thank you notes. Real, hand written, personal, unique thank you notes are miniature treasures to those who receive them. We sometimes choose busyness over thoughtfulness and in so doing we deny someone a blessing. Is there someone you can thank today with a note of gratitude? Another way, a most biblical way of saying “thank you” is by offering a prayer of thanksgiving for our friends and when appropriate telling them of it. This was the Apostle Paul’s habit. He told the Corinthians “I always thank my God for you because of God’s grace to you in Christ Jesus” (1 Corinthians 1:4). Almost all of Paul’s letters began with his quoting a prayer of thanksgiving he had offered to God on their behalf. This is a seldom practiced method of saying thank you. It’s great to tell someone thank you, but how much more powerful to say that specific prayer. How long has it been since you offered a specific thanksgiving to God for someone? The last way to say thank you is pay a visit, as busy as we are, we must carve out sufficient time for friends who need time and encouragement and an infusion of gratitude from us. It’s true that many people don’t appreciate “drop in” visits nowadays, but we can always invite a friend or friends for a cook-out, coffee, or pay a hospital visit to a friend. Find the opportunity to tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Grateful people are great people and thankful people are the finest friends.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 12:01:23 +0000

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