NWO Exposed The Rockefeller School System: Compulsory - TopicsExpress


NWO Exposed The Rockefeller School System: Compulsory Indoctrination Camps for Social Control: The first federalized U.S. education board was the 1870 founded NEA (National Education Administration) which quickly announced that countrywide school science courses must be restructured to teach “evolution” as fact, not theory. Having gained a fair amount of pull in the NEA, in 1903, John. D. Rockefeller created the GEB (General Education Board) in an effort toward “this goal of social control.” Later, in 1923 he would also create the International Education Board providing over $20 million to promote education abroad. The Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford groups have often funded (and thus steered) American education more so even than the government. “Reading through the papers of the Rockefeller Foundation’s General Education Board an endowment rivaled in school policy influence in the first half of the twentieth century only by Andrew Carnegie’s various philanthropies seven curious elements force themselves on the careful reader: 1) There appears a clear intention to mold people through schooling. 2) There is a clear intention to eliminate tradition and scholarship. 3) The net effect of various projects is to create a strong class system verging on caste. 4) There is a clear intention to reduce mass critical intelligence while supporting infinite specialization. 5) There is clear intention to weaken parental influence. 6) There is clear intention to overthrow accepted custom. 7) There is striking congruency between the cumulative purposes of GEB projects and the utopian precepts of the oddball religious sect, once known as Perfectionism, a secular religion aimed at making the perfection of human nature, not salvation or happiness, the purpose of existence. The agenda of philanthropy, which had so much to do with the schools we got, turns out to contain an intensely political component.” John Taylor Gatto, “The Underground History of American Education” (201) “One would assume that, since the Rockefellers are thought of as capitalists, they would have used their fortune to foster the philosophy of individual liberty. But, just the opposite is true. We have been unable to find a single project in the history of the Rockefeller foundations which promotes free enterprise … almost all of the Rockefeller grants have been used directly or indirectly to promote economic and social collectivism, i.e., Socialism Fascism.” Gary Allen, “The Rockefeller File” “Philanthropy is the essential element in the making of Rockefeller power. It gives the Rockefellers a priceless reputation as public benefactors which the public values so highly that power over public affairs is placed in the Rockefellers’ hands. Philanthropy generates more power than wealth alone can provide.” Myer Kutz, “Rockefeller Power” Part 2: The Rockefeller School System: Compulsory Indoctrination Camps for Social Control Rockefeller charity and philanthropy influences many sectors of society from education to politics to religion. Here’s an abridged list of Rockefeller funded organizations: American Assembly American Association for the United Nations American Friends Service Committee Atlantic Union Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Science Center of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Citizens Committee for International Development Committees on Foreign Relations Committee for Economic Development Council on Foreign Relations Federation of World Governments Foreign Policy Association Institute of International Education Institute for World Order National Planning Association US National Commission The Trilateral Commission World Affairs Council United World Federalists Notice any trends? Any doubt regarding the Rockefeller’s intent in starting the GEB should be clarified in John D’s own mission statement: “In our dreams, people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions of intellectual and character education fade from their minds, and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people, or any of their children, into philosophers, or men of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for great artists, painters, musicians nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen – of whom we have an ample supply. The task is simple. We will organize children and teach them in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way.” John D. Rockefeller, General Education Board (1906) This is not a man looking out for the best interest of students. You can get a good sense of his demeanor from statements like “yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands” and talking about creating a “perfect system” of state education better than imperfect parental education.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:26:57 +0000

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