NYSC Orientation Camp Preparation Preparation Tips you should - TopicsExpress


NYSC Orientation Camp Preparation Preparation Tips you should know before going to camp: This piece was compiled to educate the prospective Corps Members and any other interested party on what to expect in and outside the NYSC Camp. You can share with your friends too. Lets go! MIND PREPARATION : You need to prepare your mind that you are leaving home for a regimented life in the camp. Life in the camp is deliberately made stressful so as to prepare you for any challenge that may confront you outside the camp. You will not find it too comfortable, It s a camp and not your flat! Just be ready for anything. ITEMS YOU WILL NEED 1. Very Important Ones a. Statement of Result b. School ID Card c. Passport photographs (30 copies, Surplus is better than inadequacy) d. Call-Up Letter (DO NOT laminate it please). e. A Clear Bag file (To house the above items) f. Most importantly, Your Bible. NB: Get 10 photocopies each of items A,B, and D above. The copies may be surplus. 2. Important Ones ( For your Convenience) a. Stapler, pin and office gum (will save you the stress of borrow-me) b. Two or three white T-shirts and shorts (You will be given two sets but you may not like the quality). c. Two or three pairs of socks and a white rubber tennis shoes (for d rainy days). d. Bathroom slippers. Dettol f. Two plastic buckets (You can buy it in the camp but it will be more expensive) and a permanent marker. g. Sponge and its case, bath-soap and detergent h. Bedsheet, towel and wrapper and two pairs of casual wear. Just have them. i. Mosquito Net (not compulsory) j. Handkerchiefs (very important especially for those dat sweat like xmas ewu) k. Waist bag (very very important for housing your phones, ID Cards, Handkerchief, biros, etc) l. Novels m. Small-sized Torchlight/Rechargeable lamp (small one please) n. Your ATM card(s) o. Cooler (not a party cooler please) cup and spoon. Fork is not allowed p. Phone and charger q. Beverages r. Ladies could add any other few conveniences. I believe you understand me s. Money! Money! Money! Hold good cash please depending on how you spend. GO EARLY! Even if the camp is on your street, go early. If you are posted to a far state, go the day before the camp opens. They will allow you in. Going late will make you go through registration stress. Be warned ! SCREENING It starts at the gate. They dont want u to bring in prohibited items like iron, knive, bombs, etc. REGISTRATION The first one is for hostel/bedspace. Then the paper registrations proper. Make everything ready. Look out for information pasted on walls. Follow instructions strictly. YOUR KITS During the registration, you will get your kits - shirts, shorts, etc. Use the marker to write your Code Number (CN) on them sharp-sharp You will also be given a tag that will show your CN. That will be your ID Card temporarily. You take it EVERYWHERE in camp. You will be given a meal ticket. Misplace it and forget about NYSC food (hunger will finish Ʋ if Ʋ no get moni) DURATION You will be in the camp for 20 full days. The 21st day is the day you will leave camp. THERE YOU GO! Immediately you have your kits, only your T-shirt and shorts with the tennis shoe are allowed on you. No room for casual wears. Parade/ marching training starts immediately. The soldiers will not give you breathing space at all. You will have the first one that same Day One. Watch Out! people could be fainting on the Parade Ground. You wont faint, calm down... So eat well. Its the stress that causes their fainting. Dont form superman o, EAT ! YOUR MORNINGS A small trumpet wakes you at 5am. Everybody gathers at the Parade Ground (PG) at 5:30am. You have your praise, worship and prayer the Christian and Muslim ways. Blah-blah-blah till the day breaks finally. Breakfast follows! After eating, you will be called out again for the series of programmes lined up for you. Then you have your lunch. Rest a little and you are out again for evening parade. Then later your dinner. This will repeat itself everyday perhaps except on Sunday. THE FOOD You may not like the food. You can always go to the Mammy Market (MM) i.e the Camp Market to fill your tank with delicacies at your cost. STEALING This is legalised. They can steal anything. Be wise. SOLDIERS Hmmm, Obey them o. They can punish you. No walking, its all jogging wen they call u. Dont postrate or kneel down greeting a soldier. Do it the soldier way. They could be friendly anyway. Be wise. ALLOWEE Your first allowance will be given to you in the camp cash. All other ones will be through the bank. You will get Bicycle Allowance. PHOTOGRAPHY Photographers are ready to snap you every minute. Manage your cash. ............... NOW, YOU ARE ABOUT GOING OUT OF THE CAMP YOUR POSTING You will be posted from the camp to where you will work. The place you work in is called your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA). Hear this: most Corpers, I mean about 90% of the Corpers will be posted to schools (especially primary and secondary schools). Only VERY FEW will be posted to the universities, polytechnics and Colleges. Please! Dont lobby for your posting. Dont pay ANYBODY for assistance. Pray rather than pay. Gone are the days when Corps Members are posted to Banks and Co. Receive the shocking or expected postings as you receive your letters with joy. Its a clarion call to service; thats what dey call it. GOING OUT: TRANSPORTATION When you get your Posting Letter, the first place to go to is your PPA. If you are identified with the Fellowship in camp, you may first report at the TEMPORARY lodge they will provide. Then you could report at your PPA later same day or the following day. Please, when you leave the camp, home-sweet- home will be on your mind, having been used up in the camp. But please, dont go home straight. Please! Very few of your employers (i.e. PPAs) will send down vehicles to convey you from the camp to their workplaces. Private and some Govt higher education institutions do. The Fellowship too make arrangement for you at your cost. Commercial transporters will likely be available at the gate too. Be wise. ACCOMMODATION :: You dont know anybody in Damaturu or Ekiti! Where will you sleep on the first day? The Fellowship may give you a TEMPORARY accommodation pending the time you will HAVE TOGET YOURS. You could be lucky if your employer gives you a room. Many of them dont give Corpers accommodation anyway. So be prepared to rent one at your cost. Your first allowee which you received in the camp is already going down! REGISTRATIONS This is why you dont have to go home straight. Your registration at the NYSC Office in the Local Govt you will be posted to is important. Failure to complete it before going home is the beginning of a Corpers cup of tea. He may begin to have problems with his subsequent monthly allowances. Do all registrations first. Then you can take permission to go home. Permission to go home? Long process! You will know why its so. Well, I hope dese few tips will go a long way.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 01:15:39 +0000

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