; Name is literally what a person is called for the purpose of - TopicsExpress


; Name is literally what a person is called for the purpose of identification. Names are derived from many sources; parents/guardians give their wards names of prominent/influential people or persons renowned for their good character. Others also give names based on the circumstances of birth, location, vegetation, minerals, etc…. in all these, names are ‘only’ meant to serve as an identification word. But there is another “aspect” of name ! That is the esoteric aspect of names. On the ‘metaphysical’ plane, a particular ‘earthly’ name corresponds to a particular “pool” of vibration. This does not mean that all the people bearing that name occupy the same degree of spiritual attainment. Rather, there is an ‘inherent’ vibration synonymous with that name. When you have 2 to 3 or more names, the names blend together through fusion of pools. Assuming a person have 3 names, a surname, a middle name and a forename. Each of these names have their own pool of vibrations and the 3 cumulatively exert an individuality as ‘found’ expressed by the person. The individual brings to the pools his/her own vibrations. However, no name is either good or bad in the literal sense of their meanings. Rather, each name is a “continual” reflection of the cumulative vibrations of all the people “dead & alive” answering the name. Within each pool are sub divisions. Therefore, there is a ‘natural’ weighing between both extremes in which most people will occupy the mid-point. However, conscious effort which is another name for freewill can elevate oneself from the herd below. Another example will be to erroneously think that once you give your child the names of the ‘initiates’ like Jesus the Christ, Mohammed, Zoroaster, etc, he or she will become a saint or angel without any conscious effort from the person. But it must be pointed out here that naming and change of names are NOT haphazard occurrences. There is order in it all. Even though name giving appear indiscriminate, arbitrary and free for all, it is still within the operation of eternal immutable laws. Names evolve as humans evolve too. Old names are gradually being phased out as new names come into being even when the phasing out seems like an ‘unconscious’ act. Names serve a particular natural cycle. Names are “earthly” signatures of the Self (soul personality). Within every indigenous group, ethnic or language groups, there are names that occupy the various spectrum of universal ‘Cosmic essence’. This means that names can belong to the same pool even when their pronunciation is un-alike. An indigenous Chinese name and an indigenous German name can belong to ‘the same’ pool of vibration. This is because their exoteric expression is the source of their seeming difference whereas their esoteric quality is the same. Just like rose flower has its name in Chinese too. That name will not sound alike to its German version but both names still refers to the same Flower . Such names like Jesus, Akhenaton, Gautama have a very high level of vibrations (energy) occupying very high cosmic pool of vibrations. This is due to the high level of spiritual purity attained by these soul personalities. However many people today out of ignorance use these names so indiscriminately, and very inconsiderate over trivial issues that they are gradually losing their effervescence. Some even employ them why making jokes ignorantly thinking that it has no consequences. I must point out here that these names do not lose their vibrations, rather the “user” looses the efficacy inherent in them !!! so, when the (names) stop working for you, it is the effect of your cause!. When it is said that;”good name is worth more than silver & gold”, it is indeed an indirect reference to the vibrational pool of the individual which is an emanation of his/her soul personality
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 22:19:46 +0000

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