Nancy Pelosi and others are demanding an internet game of - TopicsExpress


Nancy Pelosi and others are demanding an internet game of ‘slapping Hillary’ to be removed immediately because violence against women should not be tolerated…as if a cartoon of Hillary being slapped by an animated hand is more troubling than the fact that actual human beings, real and living women are being treated as property, and inferior with millions of women worldwide enduring real physical violence, by those who believe they are obeying Allah…actual physical violence against women is required according to the Quran…as long as the woman is ‘properly’ beaten…that it’s ok to kill women if they shame them or damage the honor of the family…just like this same Quran calls for the killings of those who insult Islam, by saying that God beget a Son…the same Quran that declares all Nations will bow to Islamic law and serve Allah…and that is what Obama and the U.N. are trying to do to the Arab World…transform it into a United Islamic Superpower with the Quran as the only Constitution, overthrowing Arab secular civil societies, and replacing the Constitution of the People, with this Quran. Yet Pelosi, Holder, Oprah, Jay Z, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton…and even President Obama himself, refuses to condemn or even vocalize the slightest criticism of ‘mandated’ this violence against women, required by the Quran-(a Manual for the lawless ones). Is this because of ‘fear’ that these ‘champions of human rights’ say nothing about the real world violence against women by this growing global criminal organizations disguised as a religion called Islam? Or is it apathy…that they don’t really care, not really. Islam isn’t growing because it’s right or true and has anything of value to offer to mankind, except terror, violence, extortion, deception, and the violation of all God given rights and freedoms…whose growth can only be attributed to their ‘Sacred Threat’ giving them the power to scare into submission, to ‘extort’ our lands, our wealth, and other blessing in exchange for peace from this enemy in our land because they ‘want to integrate’ into our society…the greatest lie…they don’t want to become Americans…they want America to be yet another ‘one of many’ Islamic domains…it is fear…your fear, that makes they perceive this Sacred Threat as the ultimate weapon…and combine that weapon with the protect provided to religious organizations…they are untouchable, unaccountable, and ignore the laws because the Quran tells them to…a perfect storm, the perfect enemy, for which nobody can make war with…’who is like this Beast…this False Prophet…who can make war with it? If American Politicians are really against violence against women, then be against the actual physical violence of women under Islamist rule (democratically elected or not)…if your against Racism, then be against it…not embrace it as ‘reverse racism’ to give governmental preference to one race over another, or persecution to Christians, while giving unlawful preference to a religion hostile to our own, because Islam is classified as a ‘minority’. If Obama is truly against mistreatment of citizen who are gay and think it a worthy enough cause to try to provoke Russia into WWIII…then surely you’d think that Obama would be critical of all those Islamist controlled governments who execute gays, because the Quran tells them to stone them…yet Obama says nothing…apathetic, uncaring, about that which he claims to be totally against and won’t tolerate. It’s the hypocrisy that really bugs me…I just wish they would admit to what they are trying to do, instead of always denying and distracting from the reality of what they are doing, because it’s so offensive, lawless, and hypocritical they can’t even admit it, because they are ashamed of themselves…at least today…when the law is still considered to be ‘superior’ that we are still a land of laws, not men…at least today…when the Constitution is still intact, and the President and these other Politicians took an oath to support and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic…and the reason why they can’t admit to their unlawful ‘agendas’ and hypocrisy. And to understand this ‘Double Standard’….this hypocrisy…like reverse racism (‘it ain’t right but it sure makes us even’ mentality) let’s look at where the name ‘Double Standard’ came from…it’s actually a ‘banner’ a split tailed flag…the flag of the Hypocrite is his Double Standard…the flag flown by Columbus and the 7th Calvary and Washington’ Masonic military…and how the Native Americans recognized these ‘offspring’ of the Serpent…who spoke with a forked tongue…flew their banner proudly of their ‘Double Standard’…for these hypocrites are these very same ‘lawless ones’ since the beginning…never ceasing in their pursuit of us, to put us back into the bondage of their gods and goddesses…maybe we should have kept Passover instead of trading it for the birthday of the Bel…we should have kept our God given blessings, our rights and freedoms instead of trading them for protection and safety from those who desire to subdue us, to corrupt us, to kill, to steal, and to destroy. Now you know how you can identify the offspring of the Serpent, the sons of darkness born of the will of man…and their rebellion against God, and the sons of Light, born by the will of God, and why these lawless sons of the bondwoman never cease in their persecution of the sons of the freewoman, and how it is the Quran that tells it’s offspring to pursue us and not allow our escape or separation from them…and why the final warning and instruction of the Word is for us to separate, to come out of her, and our only hope is in Christ, our only hope is obeying His Word, and we must resist our adversary…and in order to do that we must properly identify the enemy, and the first way you can tell who the enemy of God is…it’s those who hate the truth, and love the lie, who hear and obey the voice of their Father, that Serpent of Old…Satan…whose flag is indeed the Double Standard…hypocrisy of lawless liars.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 22:30:00 +0000

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