National Party led Government, sold out all NZ Citizens right to - TopicsExpress


National Party led Government, sold out all NZ Citizens right to the American Government. The GCSB Bill was passed by pathetic traitors to our once fine nation. The GCSB Bill now allows the Government to spy on everything that a NZ citizen does, and hand over that information to the USA Government. What a disgusting bunch of idiots we have "running" our once fine country. Today, I woke up in a NEW country.....The United States of Key Land. Until this Bill is thrown out, and every single one of those traitors is deported, and stripped of their NZ citizenship, the American spy bases here in NZ are closed, and the American spying control is out of MY COUNTRY......I will be actively....doing civil disobedience. ""Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, or of an occupying international power. Civil disobedience is commonly, though not always, defined as being nonviolent resistance."" 1. Will NOT register to vote 2. Will NOT fill out CENSUS papers 3. Will NOT do Duty 4. I WILL boycott as many American items as I can 5. I WILL be buying as many products as I can outside of NZ, to lower the tax take of this corrupt Government. Its on record, and stands. Its time to stand and fight back against the lies and manufactured terror, and terrorism that the American Government use to hood wink its citizens...and the world. 1. Sandy Hook Massacre - is an FBI training exercise, in a school that was closed for at least 8x months prior to this event. NO KIDS were killed, NO ONE DIED, it DIDNT happen. 2. The Boston Bombings - is an FBI training exercise. They used crisis actors, amputee actors, fake blood, fake smoke, fake dust. They used the same KEY EYE WITNESS, for the Sandy Hook training exercise as well....stupid stupid silly FBI idiots. NO one died, NO one had legs blown off, NO one lost a foot......WAKE UP. It didnt HAPPEN. And I wont stand for this spying crap either, based on false bullshit from the American Government manufacturing terror and terrorism to pass their more controlling, rights stripping, laws upon their American citizens.....we dont want that in New Zealand. But as of Today, thats EXACTLY what every NZ citizen has been given......our very own, gift wrapped gift from the American Government, our very own "Patriots Act". Yesterday, was John Key, and Nationals, plus all those empty gutless suits that voted for this GCSB Bill.... day of shame, and will be Johns LEGACY. We might as well be flying the "Stars and Stripes", and singing "The Star Spangled Banner"
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:08:10 +0000

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