Natural Treatments For Hair Growth •Flaxseed Oil Flaxseed oil - TopicsExpress


Natural Treatments For Hair Growth •Flaxseed Oil Flaxseed oil helps in increasing the blood circulation to the scalp, leading to hair growth. It contains vitamin E that supports healthy cell production, by repairing damaged skin on the scalp. Take 3-5 flaxseed oil capsules and puncture them. Massage the flaxseed oil on the scalp for 2-3 minutes. Allow the oil to seep into the scalp for 30 minutes. Shampoo or condition the hair as usual, making sure to get all the oil out. •Olive Oil Olive oil has been used since ancient Greek times, to get beautiful skin. The oil is both clarifying and moisturizing and good for natural hair growth, especially when applied directly to the scalp. Apply olive oil directly on your scalp, before going to bed. Keep it on the entire night, for it to enter deep into the scalp. Wash it off in the morning, when you shampoo your hair. Make sure you use extra virgin olive oil, to avoid any chemicals. •Henna Paste Henna has always been amongst the famous ingredients to provide strong and beautiful hair. It is well known for its capabilities as a conditioner for hair and its versatility is also widely appreciated. Applying it in a paste form, with necessary ingredients, can make any kind of hair shiner, smoother and more manageable. Henna can be mixed with yoghurt, egg, lemon juice and coffee. You can also add a full teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil to it, if your hair is dry. Apply the paste on your hair and wash it after 45 minutes or an hour. It helps in increasing the functionality of the scalp, by removing the wastes and impurities that have accumulated on it. The henna paste will make your hair shine, grow stronger and withstand all the factors that works against it. •Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is derived from seedless apples. It is different from other vinegars, as it does not go through the distilling process, keeping all the minerals and other important enzymes intact. Malic acid and tartaric acid, the natural acids in apple cider vinegar, helps in balancing skin’s natural acid levels, and fight bacteria and other toxins. Applied to the scalp as a hair rinse, apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy for hair growth, as it removes any dead skin cells and bacteria that clog pores and prevent healthy hair growth. It gives hair a stable place to grow, by regulating the acid balance. •Shikakai Powder Shikakai is also known as “the fruit of hair”. It is effective in cleaning the hair by keeping all the natural oils intact. It is believed to encourage hair growth and make hair roots stronger. Mix one tablespoon of Shikakai powder with a spoon of amla powder, bhringraj and aritha powder, to gain maximum benefits for your hair. Put the mixture into a cup of boiling water and keep the infusion undistributed for 10 minutes. Once the mixture cools down, it can be used to wash hair. Be careful to rinse your hair properly later on, using warm water.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 08:34:42 +0000

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