Nature Awareness 5/7/2014 - Thai Water Dragon Found primarily - TopicsExpress


Nature Awareness 5/7/2014 - Thai Water Dragon Found primarily in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, the Thai water dragon is a large lizard of about 2.5-3 feet in length. It often (but not always) has a crest of prominent scales from neck to tail and is green in color with a white, yellow, or pale pink throat and chest. Males actually become brighter in their traditional colors during mating season. This lizard typically basks near water, which it may flee into for safety. The Thai water dragon is also sensitive to its environment, like most lizards and amphibians. From a more symbolic standpoint, the Thai water dragon has much in common with most lizard interpretations. It is known for its environmental sensitivity, keen senses and awareness, and its ability to escape danger by quickly fleeing into water. This quick movement away from danger is a wise choice for the Thai water dragon. Not only does it prevent any further harm, but it is also an efficient use of energy and an avoidance of unnecessary confrontation. Many people would do well to learn form the Thai water dragon. Lizards in general are also tied to productive dream states and transformation in the metaphysical realms. Contemplate on the Thai water dragon today. Are you as aware of your own environment as you could be? Be sure to take the time today to appreciate your surroundings. Are there areas in your life that require too much effort or are doing you harm? If so, it might be advisable to flee from those areas for a time so that you can relax into a safer and healthier place to examine your options. Symbolism: environmental sensitivity, keen senses and awareness, escaping dangers, productive dream states, transformation, water and earth energies.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 12:47:04 +0000

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