Naturopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism The thyroid gland is - TopicsExpress


Naturopathy Treatment for Hypothyroidism The thyroid gland is situated at the front of the throat and controls every single aspect of our metabolism. This includes the rate at which your heart beats to how quickly you burn calories. It produces two primary hormones - T4 and T3. As long as the thyroid gland releases the right amounts of these hormones at the right time, our body functions normally. Hypothyroidism is a condition when an under-active thyroid releases too little T4 and T3 into the bloodstream, causing the metabolism to slow down too much. If not treated, the metabolism will continue to slow and will ultimately (in 10 to 15 years) lead to death. The commonly known causes of Hypothyroidism include iodine deficiency, severe zinc/selenium deficiency or Hashimoto’s disease. Stress is also known to be a significant contributor to thyroid dysfunction; this can be environmental, emotional or bodily stress arising from fluctuating blood sugar levels and immune problems. Common symptoms include mood swings, cold sensitivity, weight gain, depression, menstruation irregularities, constipation, fatigue, dry skin as well as brittle hair, skin or fingernails. Naturopathy can help with effective treatment of Hypothyroidism with the following: 1. Yogasana: Pavanmuktasana , Sarvangasana , Halasana, Matyasana, Vajrasana, Singhasana, Yogamudrasana and Surya Namaskar. Exercise daily, at least 30–60 minutes per day, 4–5 times a week 2. Mudras: Pashinee, Vipareeta-Karani, Udaan, Vaayu-Vardhak, Prithvi-Shaamak, Jal-Shaamak, Pitta-Karak and Linga 3. Therapy: Enema, Sun Bath, Neck Wraps, Throat Massage, Throat Pack and Cold Hip Bath 4. Pranayam: Bhramari, Bhastrika, Kapalbhati and Anuloma-Viloma 5. Kriya: Kunjal and Neti 6. Diet Therapy: Removing burdens on the immune system helps the body heal itself. This means that all processed foods, artificial flavours, colours, preservatives, refined flour, white sugar, excess salt, hydrogenated oils, etc should be eliminated from the diet. Eat asparagus, cabbage, carrots, garlic, onion, oats, pineapple, whole rice, tomatoes, lotus stem, coriander (dry), sea weed, watercress, strawberries, whole wheat products, potatoes (with jackets), apples, pears, nuts and coconut oil. Increase food fibre. Do not consume canola oil. Avoid broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, spinach, millet, peaches, peanuts, lentils, radishes, milk and any animal protein. Also, there is considerable debate around whether soybean and other soy products (including tofu) are good for Hypothyroidism – it is better to avoid it. As always, please exercise caution and get proper guidance while attempting the exercises, pranayams and kriyas.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 15:58:10 +0000

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