Navratri Day 8 Ghatasthapana Kalash Ashtami Saraswati Puja Durga - TopicsExpress


Navratri Day 8 Ghatasthapana Kalash Ashtami Saraswati Puja Durga Ashtami Mahagauri Puja Sandhi Puja, Ayudha(Arms) Puja 8th Navratri of the day is Pink 2nd October 2014(Thursday) Goddess Mahagauri is eighth form of Goddess Durga. She is worshiped on eighth day of Navratri. It is believed that she gives instant benefits to her devotees. Mahagauri = Maha (Great) + Gauri (White color) = The one who is extremely fair. Mahagauri is symbol of peace and calmness. The goddess is worshiped in the form of eight year old child. This pure, innocent, harmonious and compassionate front of Goddess Durga is worshiped on eighth day of Navratri. The Appearance Of MahagauriMahagauri is as white as silver. Her clothes and ornaments are white and pure. She is depicted with four arms. Her upper left arm is in diminishing fear posture and just like her husband, Lord Shiva, she holds a trishool (trident) and a damru (tambourine) in her upper right and lower left arms respectively. Her lower right hand remains in the posture of granting boon. She rides a Vrishabha (Bull). The Legend Of MahagauriFor obtaining Lord Shiva as her husband, Parvati performed a hard penance for several years in Himalaya. Because of observing such a hard devout, she became very thin and developed a dark and dull complexion. Lord Shiva accepted her great devotion, he washed the body of Parvati with Gangajal (Gangs water). Sacred Ganga water braught her beauty back. Due to her fair and pure complexion, she came to be recognized as Maha Gauri. The Blessings Of MahagauriIt is believed that her shakti (power) is instantly fruitful. Worshiping her with pure heart, Mahagauri eliminates all sins of devotees. Mahagauri has capability of making impossible to possible. Her glory is mentioned in Ancient Hindu texts. She destroys falsehood and devotees feel energy to step on the path of truth. SANJAY PANDYA ASTROFORU INDIAN INTERNATIONAL ASTROLOGR SHRI SHAKTI TEMPLE MAYFAIR JOBURG SOUTH AFRICA JAI MATAJI
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:22:21 +0000

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