Nearly time for school again - if your kid likes zombie games like - TopicsExpress


Nearly time for school again - if your kid likes zombie games like chasing and pretending to eat the chasees head, their school might not approve, especially for young grades like prep or year one or two. This is understandable - younger kids especially are still learning their strength and with a whole lot of kids to watch at play time, games with a high risk of bigger kids accidentally hurting smaller kids, or that involve faces near head when lice are always a risk, are sensible to discourage at school. Think about making sure your little zombie lover knows alternatives, like turning normal tag into zombie tag by just making whoevers it a zombie - no head munching needed, the zombie virus is transmissible through touch in this case. Try using sticks to mark out an imaginary defensive fort against zombies, and decide what things theyd need to have inside with them (this is a good inside game too, or even for drawing. Be warned, drawing zombies might end with a call to you from the school if the zombies are anything but simplified and bloodless). Always make sure they know to pay attention to what the kids theyre playing with feel about it though - other young kids, or even other kids of any age, might be frightened by the idea of zombies and be uncomfortable with even imaginary or modified games. Your kid needs to know that if any of their friends or other kids playing with them doesnt like zombies, they can save the zombie games for home or with friends who do like those games. Let me know of any good games youve devised or heard about :)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 02:59:37 +0000

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