Necessary Inferences from the Beginning That God has ALWAYS - TopicsExpress


Necessary Inferences from the Beginning That God has ALWAYS expected man to use his mind and draw necessary inferences should be self-evident (necessarily inferred). Genesis opens with the fact of God and His good creation. From the fact of creation Paul argued (Romans 1:20f) that there is “no excuse” for man to have failed to: 1) glorify God as God, and 2) be thankful to Him. Facts do obligate. The creation itself obligates by necessary inference that man acknowledge the Creator, glorifying and thanking Him. There did not have to be a command in Genesis 1 or written in the sky. God expected man to draw a necessary inference from the fact of creation that there is a God and that He ought to be glorified and thanked. Failure to glorify God as God has been the sin that opens the door to all kinds of vile and futile thought and behavior. There did not have to be a written law for the Gentiles to know that there is no excuse for not knowing the Creator, glorifying the Creator as God, and being thankful to Him. All of this is necessarily inferred from the creation itself. The Gentiles then or now cannot argue that God has to spell out in a listed and detailed law that they were responsible to the Creator to seek Him, glorify Him, and be thankful to Him. When men fail to glorify God as God, they have failed to draw the necessary inference from the evidence of creation. They have sinned against their own intelligence and have chosen to ignore the obvious. This world filled with life was no accident, and it certainly did not make itself, and no creature on earth should be glorified more than the Creator who would obviously have to be all-wise and all-powerful. Man is obligated to draw the necessary inference from creation that “God made the world”(Acts 17:21ff). A second necessary inference from the beginning is that God made them male and female. The necessary implication from the first union is that God is pleased with a marriage between one man and one woman. There did not have to be a stated law from the beginning. The fact that God made one man for one woman and brought them together in union implies some things necessarily. The first marriage set the standard of good. A marriage of a man with man, a woman with woman, a man with beast, does not meet the standard of “good”. In fact, all of these other relationships are out of vile and futile thinking. Jesus believed in the necessary inference of a permanency of “one flesh” even though it was not stated or commanded. Thus, Jesus believed in man being able and obligated to draw the necessary inference from Genesis 2. This is clear from Matthew 19:1-6. Jesus drew the necessary inference that all of us are able and responsible to draw. If you do not believe in drawing necessary inferences, you simply do not believe in Jesus, nor are you using the mind God gave you. Those who refuse to acknowledge the role of necessary inference are foolish. Their “foolish heart is darkened” and they have become vain in their imaginations (Rom.1:21f) . They are refusing to use the mind God has given them. They are on a road that takes them into further error. Romans 1:20f tells the story of what happens when men refuse to look at the facts and draw the necessary inferences. Necessary inferences have been expected from the very beginning.–Terry W. Benton
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 18:25:50 +0000

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