****Need Cheap Emergency Last-Minute Presents?**** Its that - TopicsExpress


****Need Cheap Emergency Last-Minute Presents?**** Its that time of year, two days to Christmas and you just cant face going back into town shopping again for those last few difficult to buy for people. Or like me you end up going to gigantic family gatherings without a hope of remembering everybody whos expected to crawl out of the woodwork with an unexpected gift that you have no way to reciprocate. In either scenario, for a few pounds, an hour of your time and some sticky fingers you can appear to be the most thoughtful and hardworking little christmas elf that your family have ever met. **Easy Chocolate Truffles** *Ingredients* Chocolate- Cheap is ok, but youre aiming for high cocoa 63% being spot on perfect. Half as much Double cream - either by weight or volume, its pretty much the same. Icing sugar/ cocoa / nuts / anything sprinkly - for coatings. The brilliant part here is whatever weight/volume of truffles you want to produce, just make sure you buy that amount of chocolate and cream in 2:1 proportions. *Method* *Melt the chocolate.- Either get all professional and use a bowl sat over a pot of boiling water or just microwave it and watch out for burning it. *Pour in your cream and stir it up it should immediately thicken buy the time youve got it a nice uniform colour. I guess the thickness youre looking for is about as thick as butter/spreads-that-you-can-believe-arent-butter. It needs to be solid, no dripping and able to roll into a ball. *Set up a plate full of icing sugar (or whatever coating you are using) *Take lumps out of the chocolate mixture by hand of the size you want your truffles to be. Think about 1 teaspoon. *Then roll those badboys into balls using your finger tips. (Using your cooler fingertips stop the heat of your palms meting the truffles into a tasty goo.) *As each one is finished drop it into your sprinkles and roll it around a bit with a fork to make sure its covered nicely. *Rattle the covered truffles in a sieve to shake off the excess coatings. *Bag-em. (8 per bag is a nice gift number) *Tag-em. (Leave the To Section blank if theyre real emergency gifts.) *Then dish out what appears to be (and is) Handmade in the UK Chocolate Truffles. RRP £5-10 per bag. *Success* *Alternative Method* *Aquire an enthusiastic helper with the promise of unlimited chocolate bowl scrapings. (Pictured.) *Sit back and supervise the above method! :D I had meant to share this recipe sooner... But in an unrelated incident Ive been busy eating truffles.... Have a Happy Christmas. Maybe pop a bag round to your elderly neighbours. It can be a lonely time of year.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:27:22 +0000

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