Need help! Anyone who knows about tenancy rights please take the - TopicsExpress


Need help! Anyone who knows about tenancy rights please take the time to read! On the 31st of July approx. 11pm my partner and I were sitting at our unit watching TV and heard water gushing from the bathroom, after running in we found water pooring from a light. After about 20 minutes of holding up pots and emptying them into the bath, mopping up water and trying to keep it off the carpets I ran upstairs to stop the neighbours from showering realising this was the issue, but had no luck contacting them. After half an hour the water stopped, we turned the light off in fear of the danger of water in the electrics. We then called our new landlords (who had only just bought the property) feeling very sorry for them that they had to deal with this. On the first of august a plumber inspected the property - having to make a large whole in our roof to discover extensive mould damage all throughout the roof. There was direct exposure to the mould for over 24 hrs until it was requested that it be covered as Im currently 18 weeks pregnant and my partner and I both are asthmatics, we had much trouble breathing in the property. We didnt go in the bathroom and still didnt want to turn on the light. When the whole was covered it was with a very thin piece of wood and the smell was still overwhelmingly strong. Concerns over our health and of course our unborn child caused us to evacuate the property that day (2nd of august) and did not return since. We payed rent the first week after the damage that we werent there realising it may be an issue with body corp, insurance etc and may take a week or so. Now that its nearly been a month and no repairs and we havent been in our home at all, we have stopped paying rent and served the owners with a notice to remedy from the RTA. NO RESPONSE, no phone call or text but simply sent a form back an hour later demanding we pay all missed rent. Do we have to pay it? We have been paying extra transport costs and many more expenses from having to evacuate the property for so long. I thought they would have been reasonable and repaired it after we sent the form!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:37:51 +0000

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