Neigong, also spelled nei kung, neigung, or nae gong, refers to - TopicsExpress


Neigong, also spelled nei kung, neigung, or nae gong, refers to any of a set of Chinese breathing, meditation and spiritual practice disciplines associated with Daoism and especially the Chinese martial arts. There is both martial and non-martial neigong. Well known examples of martial neigong are the various breathing and focus trainings taught in some traditional Taijiquan, Baguazhang and Xingyiquan schools. An example of non-martial neigong is the discipline known as Daoyin. The martial art school of neigong emphasises training the coordination of the individuals body with the breath, known as the harmonisation of the inner and outer energy(內外合一), creating a basis for a particular schools method of utilising power and technique. Martial Nei Gung is about developing internal power. One way to possibly achieve this is to train particular exercises regularly where the breath is matched with movements of blood or to effect the movement of blood throughout the body. There are people who claim that Nei Gung is a philosophy, this is incorrect. There are intellectual guidelines to the practice of Nei Gung, but it is Inner Work which means effort has to be put in to develop real, substantial and testable skills. This is not something that can be imagined or talked about, only from direct experience and hard effort can an understanding of Nei Gung develop.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 21:19:08 +0000

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