Never in the history of our country have we faced more dire - TopicsExpress


Never in the history of our country have we faced more dire conditions threatening the lives of our people and the integrity of our Republic than today. We face a year of worsening conditions which not even a revolution to change political leadership guarantees survival. Changing the corrupt and psychologically challenged captain of the ship may not assure surviving the stormy seas of economic and geo-political chaos. But we indeed are the masters of our own destiny. We choose to fight for the continuance of our sovereign nation and carve out a future for the coming generations...rather than allowing these bunch of greedy usurpers to lead us to certain destruction... On behalf of the SAVE THE NATION MOVEMENT , I ask all Filipino patriots to join in the coming years resolution that we the citizens of the Republic do hereby promise and commit ourselves to the idea that we shall do our utmost best to start a Revolution of the share, teach , and inspire each and all individuals on why we need to replace those who have stolen our ability to dream of peace and prosperity. . .life and liberty. ... That this year may be our last chance to make this sacrifice of our time, effort, and resources to Save The Nation. Lets act as one people and one nation now... or never be one again.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:54:51 +0000

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