Never take out a loan unless you know what you have to repay. You - TopicsExpress


Never take out a loan unless you know what you have to repay. You cannot cry afterwards. My economic solution for nations is simple, and I have three proposals. 1. THE TRADE OFF PLAN You owe us this much. We owe you this much. Cancel mutual amounts of debt, and the country that owes more can then repay the remaining (lesser) amount of debt. 2. THE PRINT OFF PLAN Print enough money to repay all of your current debts. Every nation knows how much every other nation has in physical cash money so it cannot be cheated with. Depending on what is decided among the nations, the first year is for breathing room. Every year after that you withdraw from circulation and destroy (in my plan) 10% of the extra printed money. If that works as I envision it, in 11 years you are debt free and can start messing things up again. 3. THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS PLAN Do 1. Then do 2. Then restructure ALL international lending institutions to offer one fixed International rate, and when you lend to underdeveloped or suspect countries, assign a field officer that will determine the distribution of lent funds as they are distributed. Anything fishy WILL be challenged and further dispensed amounts will be suspended until the fishy business is addressed. I would include FOREIGN AID by all nations in that mix. If the US can give the Palestinians $1 Billion per year and the EU can give them almost the same amount, consider cutting that aid to ZERO since they apparently have enough cash on hand to buy rockets. Remember my lefty friends. NO ROCKET HAS EVER FED A HUNGRY PALESTINIAN CHILD. https://youtube/watch?v=EyShGogzIn4
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:14:20 +0000

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