New Poem by Sherif El Newehy She was an actress in a play, - TopicsExpress


New Poem by Sherif El Newehy She was an actress in a play, A ravishing debutante you don’t say, To describe her facial features as immaculate, That would be aesthetically accurate, My dream would be to take her to utopia, An idyllic place Free of any phobia, If I had talent like Shakespeare, I’d write the feminine version of King Lear, Indeed in men she does inspire such undeniable leer, But as known among disciples of Freud, Love is often used to fill a kind of void, Her female companions were not too picturesque As a matter of fact compared to her they were rather grotesque I guessed Her name was Charlotte But she far from being a harlot In fact was a fledging promising starlet I doubt whether she sold her soul to the Devil To attain beauty of that level Allow me to digress, As I proceed to admire her dress I was mesmerized by her dress, I must Confess, To the few male guests who came tardy, They missed her and that was quite foolhardy, Please forgive me for being sentimental, When I’m in love I get temperamental, Throughout the evening she was predominantly classy, And was even a little flirtatiously sassy, To my surprise, Talking to her was a pleasant enterprise, We talked till sunrise, I was elated to discover, That she was single and had no lover, I asked to have her number, But she said no and left me quite somber, We talked of all things existential, To blossom romance, such rhetoric is essential, Nay, it is quintessential, I guessed that her name was Mary, Indeed anything she holds I will dutifully carry, I felt a little contrite, Because I hadn’t started the conversation right, It would be more apt that her name was Jean, Because her demeanor towards me was rather mean, In fact she was rather vicious, But God help, I found her conduct more delicious, Oh you callous carnivore, Feed on my lips, till they feel sore, My precious, my fair, Mon cher, For you I’d always look debonair, If I you’d permit my audacity, To speak such impertinent mendacity, But I never intend to deceive, I am not cajoling you, you must believe, Although I occasionally tell a white lie, That is something I unfortunately cannot deny, Oh woman you of ravishing charm, You put me in a state of palpable alarm, We sat in a corner and spoke of grapevine, While quaffing down a delicious bottle of wine, My conversation with her was not intellectual, Frankly, with her words proved to be ineffectual, She inspires such voracious lust, The precarious kind that turns everything else to dust, I imagine with her a passion that is more than erotic Indeed with her, the romance would be nothing less than quixotic, I heard from old men’s Lore, Something I had heard long time before, That her name was Charlotte, Which is apt, because she happens to wear scarlet, I turned to a friendly peer, A personage whom I’ve always held dear, Towards whom I would never sneer, His statement I always try to hear, And luckily he was standing quite near, He told me her name was Alice, And to beware because her talk is usually tinged with malice, But hopeless as I am, I can’t help but contemplate what joy, That she would take possession of me and proceed to destroy, I start quaffing down the champagne, To numb down all sense of pain, I realize that my description of her sounds rather elegiac, But at least it’s better than uttering something formulaic, I look at her: what a resplendent sight, It inspires me to assemble poetry and start to recite, I heard from another fellow that her name was Dharma, And that she was a thespian in the field of Drama, I hope that her name is not Holly, That’s the name of an ex and it fills me with dreadful melancholy, Her beauty transcends everything, that’s the Truth, I’d love her anyway even if her name was Ruth, I will offer a description that’s not overly meticulous, Because I realize that will make me sound ridiculous, So I know you reader won’t be too livid, If my descriptions don’t rise to the occasion of being vivid, She put us all in a trance by being so utterly unique, Suffice it to say she was thoroughly chic, Yes, yes she was definitely dressed to kill, To glance at her was always a thrill, And I would curse my dreadful Fate, To which I am always oscillating between love and hate, That she should never be my everlasting mate, But I am proceeding with caution and trying to be prudent, Of such love affairs and courtship I am still a student, For her affection I would diligently yearn, A kiss from her, I desperately want to earn, If I make a fool of myself it’ll still be worthwhile, As long as it genuinely makes her smile, I’d be willingly to change my name into Adam, If you’d be my precious Eve, dear Madame, The rapture I experienced by talking to her was quite profound, She was quite articulate and cultured as I later found, Indeed nothing else could surpass that rapture, Such a visceral exhilaration I could never again capture, I’d give my soul for she should be wife, In fact Id prize her more than dear life, We decided to stay a little bit and linger, To await the much anticipated party singer, And it wasn’t just us, there was an entire throng, Eager to hear the dazzling new song, But I never allowed her to escape my eyes, To do so would be my own demise, That is something in myself I always discover, When I am overwhelmed by a prospective lover, As a lover, I am impetuous and for that I’m notorious, But occasionally I perpetrate acts of passion that are glorious, As a romanticist I am indomitable, Until I falter and do something abominable, I look at her mesmerized at the she does sway, Ever in her demurely idiosyncratic way, Among the men she has such audacity, To exhibit such infectious vivacity, Towards her they all flock, And stay near her till 3 o’clock, She was so ethereal and charming, It was really quite disarming, I know you must think of me of being a hopeless Romantic, But I say this while avoiding sounding pedantic, Oh you sublime gift of the Divine, In a few hours you’ll be mine, In the end I reached such a carnal apotheosis, That I was on the verge of succumbing to psychosis, All this talk is rather depraved, Yet I aspire to be one of those beleaguered souls who will eventually be saved, I relay to you exactly what I perceive, There are no embellishments, you must believe, The food was delectable and the wine was quaffable, We enjoyed our bantering by saying something laughable, I contemplated every fiber of her being to the last detail, I realize the connotation of desperation that does entail, I have to play my cards right and be wise, Unless my courtship will be my own demise, Though I pride myself in being reserved and never explicit, Indeed there is not a single soul thatll condemn me for being illicit, To beauty and glamour I am attuned and receptive, To say otherwise would be rather deceptive, I was mesmerized, I Was awe-struck, At the sight of such a stunner, I couldn’t believe my luck, But I must be careful lest I commit some social blunder, Indeed I’d rather be hit by formidable thunder, Oh it’s sacrilege in romance to commit an error, For me that is the greatest terror, You might grudge me for having a loose tongue, But you’ll have to pardon me I’m still young, To woo a woman you must a man of potent vigor, To adequately describe her you need an aesthetic of infallible rigor, To you dear reader for indulging me I say merci, And to God in heavens I beseech you to have mercy
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 09:54:58 +0000

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