New Years Resolution Suggestions Based on the Zodiac Signs - TopicsExpress


New Years Resolution Suggestions Based on the Zodiac Signs Aries - Much of the energy for the New Year shows its time to update your knowledge. Make a resolution to learn more things in 2015. Discover new interests, study spirituality. Go back and get your college degree or a license in something! Taurus - Your resolution should include paying down debt, being financially responsible and managing bills, etc. Trust your gut instincts and develop your psychic side. Gemini - If single and looking for love, make a resolution to find your soul mate! If attached make a pact with your partner to spend more quality time together and enhance the love you already have. Cancer - Make a pact to improve your daily work habits. Work smarter and do more with less. Its a great year to get in shape, lose weight and resolve to live healthier. Leo - Make a resolution to balance work and play. Find a happy medium between doing the things you love and the things you must. Virgo - Resolve to clean house, declutter, create stronger family ties and build the home of your dreams! Libra - Make a resolution to enjoy each and every day of your life! Do something each day that brings a smile to your face. Resolve to reach out to family, friends and neighbors more as you build upon those relationships. Scorpio - Resolve to put the past behind you. To move forward with confidence. Make a resolution to budget your money and save some extra cash. Sagittarius - Your resolution should be to restructure and simply your life. Get rid of what is not working and replace it with things that make you truly happy. Capricorn - Resolutions can come easier for you than most signs. You should put planning reunions on your list. Get back in touch with people whom youve lost touch with and reconnect. Aquarius - You should resolve to get rid of people who are negative and waste a lot of your energy. You should hang out with people who bring something to the table. Resole to make new friends of like minds Pisces - Your resolution should include doing something wonderful with your work! Put your best effort into building your career this year!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 19:02:22 +0000

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