New Year’s Day – 2015 – Thursday – Jupiter’s Day - TopicsExpress


New Year’s Day – 2015 – Thursday – Jupiter’s Day (Joy) Jupiter & Saturn in the early morning sky before dawn. Six Rules Along the Path – our journey into the New Year The Ashram Door has opened - In the Catholic Church, the Mother of the World is honored, the Mother of Jesus. It is the Mother that the Father comes into – we understand this. Today is the 7th Day After Christmas – Libra’s Day, Libra, sign of relationships. Astrology is the Science of Relationships. Our entire world is a relationship, one to the other in all things. This morning the moon entered Gemini. This afternoon under the Capricorn Sun & the influence of Libra – Mars in Aquarius (the new world endeavors) opposes Jupiter in Leo. This is a call to everyone (Leo) to recognize & gather their gifts (Leo), their creativity. To develop them more fully & completely, until a new self identity is formed, an identity of fullness (Jupiter in Leo). We are then able to offer (Mars) the gifts of self (Leo) to the world & to humanity (Aquarius). Each of us seeks to make this real, each of us seeks the fullness of self (Jupiter in Leo). And to serve the world (Mars in Aquarius). The sign Libra comes into our world in times of transition. For the purpose of bringing and intelligent (Ray 3) balance and love (Venus) to our world & all of our endeavors. And so the 1st day of each new year is Libra’s day – it is also our time to reflect upon the sign & qualities of Libra. We call upon Libra for the balance, beauty & equanimity to meet all challenges & needs we & others may have in the coming year. Libra is the signs that says, “we must make a choice now.” To return to the past or to move forward into the present/future, into Scorpio. Libra is the Light that Moves to Rest after oscillating & moving up & down. Libra is the light that comes to a point of balance, after reviewing all sides of all issues. Libra calls us to make a choice, a balanced choice. Libra calls us to Right Choice. We remember “when we stand under & align with the Will-to-Good, Right Choice, Discernment & Discrimination comes forth”. *** The Six Rules of the Path (Rules of the Road) From Glamour, A World Problem (page 50) I. The Road is trodden in the full light of day, thrown upon the Path by Those Who know and lead. Naught can then be hidden, and at each turn, a man must face himself. II. Upon the Road the hidden stands revealed. Each sees and knows the villainy of each. (I can find no other word, my brother, to translate the ancient word which designates the unrevealed stupidity, the vileness and crass ignorance, and the self-interest which are distinguishing characteristics of the average aspirant.) And yet there is, with that great revelation, no turning back, no spurning of [51] each other, and no shakiness upon the Road. The Road goes forward into day. III. Upon that Road one wanders not alone. There is no rush, no hurry. And yet there is no time to lose. Each Pilgrim, knowing this, presses his footsteps forward, and finds himself surrounded by his fellowmen. Some move ahead; he follows after. Some move behind; he sets the pace. He travels not alone. IV. Three things the Pilgrim must avoid. The wearing of a hood, the veil which hides his face from others; the carrying of a water pot which only holds enough for his own wants; the shouldering of a staff without a crook to hold. V. Each Pilgrim on the Road must carry with him what he needs: a pot of fire, to warm his fellowmen; a lamp, to cast its rays upon his heart and show his fellowmen the nature of his hidden life; a purse of gold, which he scatters not upon the Road but shares with others; a sealed vase, wherein he carries all his aspiration to cast before the feet of Him Who waits to greet him at the gate - a sealed vase. VI. The Pilgrim, as he walks upon the Road, must have the open ear, the giving hand, the silent tongue, the chastened heart, the golden voice, the rapid foot, and the open eye which sees the light. He knows he travels not alone. We will gather the tools in the above numbers V & VI (5 & 6) & place them onto the altar so we can remember that “we are not alone, that we are on the Path & that we are in service always to & with one another.” In the coming year, we will work with Time & Space under the direction of the stars - guiding our Way. We identify as the Pilgrim(s) Along the Way in the coming year. The Ashram’s Doors stand wide open. *** Toward Epiphany We remember we are traveling along the road with the Three Kings. On the way to the stable. We are each carrying gifts. We are on our Way to the Epiphany – where the “news” of the “holy child” which is the Soul, the new & 5th Kingdom on Earth is revealed to the world. *** Artwork We also do our Artwork on the 7th, Libra, petal in the Anahata (heart) Lotus. Ray 3 in the Big Dipper (Ray 3 – Divine Intelligence – green) To Libra To the Heart of the Sun (Ray 2, Love/Wisdom, indigo blue) To Venus (Ray 5, Concrete & Scientific Knowledge, orange). To Uranus (Ray 7, New Archetypes, rhythms anchored on Earth – violet), To Saturn (Ray 3 – New Economics coming forth in service to the world – green). To the 7th petal opening. DINA 1, p. 461 “Be joyful, for joy lets in the light. Where there is Joy there is no room for glamour or misunderstandings.” From the Tibetan to a student. Joy is an aspect of the Soul which is also an aspect of Jupiter, Ray 2 of Love/Wisdom. “There is a Plan outworking in world happenings. The Plan is something joyful to make earthly life easier for humanity.” (from the Tibetan). We call humanity to awaken to the Plan, filled with Light & Joyfulness. *** Libra Quotes Libra is the essence of life. Imagine the centre with 360 degrees around up to the circumference. All forces of creation culminate in the centre. All that which is low and high culminates into it. All that which is left and right culminates into it. East, West, North, South, above and below culminate into Libra. Libra is the ultimate beauty in creation. Such beauty is experienced when life is fulfilled in every way. Lord Krishna defines yoga as equipoise, such an equipoise exists in Libra. Mother as Lotus The Mother is such permeating awareness in creation. She is therefore said to be sitting in a lotus and holding the lotuses in her hand. Her eyes are related to lotuses. Her face, the palms of her hands and the shape of her feet are frequently worshipped as lotuses. She is also said to be a lake of lotuses. Lotus is the most sacred symbol. The sun-sign Libra is but the true lotus which enables culmination into the center and emanation in all directions up to the circumference. Libra presides over the centripetal and centrifugal functioning in all planes. It is the basis for pulsation. Space pulsates and every formation in space also pulsates. Such pulsation should be related to by man to find the centre in him and the inter- relation of all that is. Moon in Libra enables to experience the beauty of all that is in form. Venus enables experiencing beauty beyond form. Mercury enables to experience the beauty of wisdom. Jupiter in Libra enables experiencing the beauty of expansion of consciousness. Saturn enables to realize the law in creation. Mars enables right application of force and the related joy of action. The beauty of Libra can never be explained in its completeness. It can only be experienced. From the Tibetan Soul reaches a point of equilibrium in Libra EA. (page 93) What appears in Aries as spiritual energy enters into the soul stage in Cancer, in which sign the soul incarnates for the first time in form, reaches a point of equilibrium in Libra, in which sign soul and personality achieve a balance of cooperation and, in Capricorn, the will nature arrives at fulfilment and a visioned goal is reached. Libra releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma (EA page 164-65) Through Saturn and Venus, therefore, Capricorn is connected with Libra and also with Gemini and Taurus, and these four constellations—Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn—constitute a potent quaternary of energies and between them produce those conditions and situations which will enable the initiate to demonstrate his readiness and capacity for initiation. They are called the Guardians of the Four Secrets. Taurus—Guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate. Gemini—Guards the mystery or secret of duality and presents the initiate with a word which leads to the fusion of the greater pairs of opposite. Libra—Guards the secret of balance, of equilibrium and finally speaks the word which releases the initiate from the power of the Lords of Karma. Capricorn—Guards the secret of the soul itself and this it reveals to the initiate at the time of the third initiation. This is sometimes called the secret of the hidden glory. Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa (EA page 168) Libra admits the soul into the world centre which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries. This balance and this relation of the great opposites, spirit and matter, is symbolised for us in the personality situation of balancing the pairs of opposites on the astral plane, and finding between them the narrow razor-edged path which leads the man into the kingdom of the soul. Libra related to the mental unit (EA page 302) Libra—is related to the mental unit and produces eventually a balance between the pairs of opposites. This is brought about upon the astral (emotional) plane. It is the attainment of this balance which produces the reversal (reorientation of the personality’s focus toward the Soul) of the mode of passing around the zodiacal wheel and this reversal takes place when integration (personality/Soul) has occurred, and there is a focus upon the mental plane. One can, then, through right use of the mind, discriminate between the pairs of opposites and find the narrow razor-edged path which passes between them and keep one’s balance upon it. *** We stand at the beginning of a new year, at the beginning of a new Path. We stand together under the Light of Sirius (13 Cancer). Today, Thursday, the Sun is 10 Cancer. Sunday, the Sun will be opposite Sirius – a most potent transit. 2015 is vitally important - three oppositions of Pluto to the star Sirius will occur. Sirius represents a Cosmic Great White Lodge which is the inspiration for the Great White Lodge on our planet, Earth. Pluto – despite its transformational powers – when in Capricorn, is associated with the “underworld” and with the Forces of Materialism and Obstruction. These need reorientation & upliftment into the Light. At the open door of the Ashram, welcoming all seekers & travelers. Joyful, playful service to the World. The Spirit of Peace then comes. love, Risa
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:21:29 +0000

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