New album is ready!!! All the material is wrote and ready to be - TopicsExpress


New album is ready!!! All the material is wrote and ready to be recorded. All we need is YOUR help to raise up enough money and get into the studio. There is two ways you can help. 1. Buy the first two records off iTunes by following these links..... He Who Lives By The Sword Shall Die By The Sword Searching For Inspiration All proceeds will go towards the making of the upcoming album!! Thanks for supporting TFP!! Or if you simply wanna donate via Paypal the appropriate e-mail address to do so is soundservices2007@yahoo any and all help will be greatly appreciated and remember, its not just music that you are supporting. Its a message that needs to be heard. Here are the track names You Know That Feeling Your Final Warning The Minority Becomes The Majority The Truth Try And Find Another Way To Relate How Do We Tell The Next Generation American Pride Life Can’t Exist Absent Of Death What if after all these days We Actually Came Face To Face I Don’t Know How Far We Will Get Be At Peace You Contradict Everything That You Say You Believe A Force If you like TFP and have connected with this music, particularly the thought provoking lyrics in He Who Lives By The Sword Shall Die By The Sword, you are gonna love the next album. It will challenge your thinking, expose injustice, promote unity and completely strip all pre conceived or bias foundations that hold up the many flaws in our thinking which blind us from seeing reality for what it is. This album will impact the world and its intentions are simple. Getting people to wake up and unite, bring about change within a corrupt establishment, and alleviating the fear of being, and thinking for, yourself rather than allowing your surroundings to manipulate who you are and what you think. Nationalism, racism, classism, and religion are great fundamental examples of unhealthy, unproductive, thinking that inhibits our ability to grow as a collective, communal congregation currently known as humanity.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 18:42:45 +0000

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