New study conducted demonstrates how the nerves that run all - TopicsExpress


New study conducted demonstrates how the nerves that run all through the body are nothing more than space filling materials, useless, and may be removed to decrease body weight. Scientists are still unsure why this space filling material is the most complex tissue in the body or why it is connected directly to the brain. They also have not discovered why this space filling tissue needs such a complex protective spine to guard this useless tissue. Scientists are also unsure why every time there is pressure placed on these space filling tissues other body parts decrease in function. They are also baffled as to why removing pressure to these space filling tissues through chiropractic adjustments returns proper function to other body parts. If you are still reading this post I can only assume by now you realize that nerves are not just space filling tissue, they are not useless, and they cannot be removed to lose weight and the first sentence was only a joke. The truth is these tissues are the most important part of your body. There is no study suggesting nerves have no function (as I joked about in the first sentence) though people neglect there nervous system everyday by not receiving routine chiropractic care to maintain the integrity of there nervous system as if the first sentence was not a joke. Your nerves allow the message from the brain to control the health of your body parts. Chiropractic keeps your nerves and spine intact. If you even for a second believed the first sentence of this post you need to attend the next health seminar at Live Proper Chiropractic. Your nervous system/life depends on it!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 18:02:33 +0000

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