*** News Flash *** We would like to welcome Marcus Seymour & - TopicsExpress


*** News Flash *** We would like to welcome Marcus Seymour & David A Fairweather to the team! Together they form The CARPasylum. I will hand you over to David....... **** ‘’Asylum Founders join the team…’’ - Marcus and David affiliation with Ashima. It all started on a warm Friday night, Longleat was the location and I sat looking into the water. A gentle breeze blew into the dam end, as I sat perched on the top lake. It was only a few days previous I had spoken with Marcus about fishing this weekend, and he said if the opportunity arose he’d pop along and say hello. Sure enough in the distance… I say distance, opposite side of the lake a figure appeared. I was first caught double guessing, was it Daniel Craig coming from the sea, or Peter Andre in his Mysterious Girl video? Either way it didn’t help me catch that day but I did finally get to sit and speak with Marcus. Having only knew each other by name previously and sporadically passing by on various nights out over five years ago it was nice to sit down and speak with someone who you already thought you knew. From Carp Fishing to football (Liverpool mainly.) And all that fell between, offering myself help on the lake and showing me different ways to attack the heavy weed filled lake that is Longleat Top Lake. The night drew in very quickly on us it seemed, and Marcus couldn’t stay the night for his van was already loaded for a journey on the Saturday morning. We ended with a handshake and vowed to meet up again soon. And that we did. Fast forward three weeks and we found ourselves at none other than Coking Farm Fishery. Marcus had previously fished Woodland and had a successful session also bagging himself a good-sized catfish in the early hours. So this time myself and Rik joined Marcus on the bank for a thirty-six hour session on Oak. With the sun beginning to shine early on the Saturday, we found Marcus set up with his rigs prepared and spots visualized. Whatever the weekend brought, I knew it would be a great time to speak more with Marcus about his fishing adventures and of course learn more about the lakes here at Coking and the endless possibility to fish many more lakes together in the near and distant future. Some people believe in beginners luck, and one off sessions, I may have had one of these on this very weekend. As from start to finish once I had baited my spots I was having a wonderful time. I’ll not detail everything, as this post is a short and sweet message. But with Marcus assisting on the spod, I managed a personal best and resident Linear as the sun glistening on the Saturday night. All twenty nine plus pounds in my net. I couldn’t have been happier. As the weekend came to an end and convocations continued, the idea was planted. A small seed put into each other’s head. Seeing various names and associations sprawled over hooded garments and caps, it was the plan from the off to begin a small and personal group of friends to fish together, laugh together and even sing together. This was when the Asylum was first brought into the public eye. I found myself working away in Brighton at the time and in constant contact with a graphic designer. I knew the style I wanted, and the colours had be decided by myself and Marcus, sending designs between the artist and Marcus and running in circles to try and create something both unique and clean that would not only look nice on clothing and merchandise, but would also stand out and make a statement. A fair few draughts later and some head scratching the design you see before you today is the design we settled upon. Enough of a back-story? Too much detail, I agree. Let’s bring it to the current day and explain what goes on within the world of CARPAsylum . In the past few months we have been lucky enough to hold our own Halloween Special, a one off two thousand and fourteen social for the immediate nearest and dearest. Names such as Chris Roberts, Paul Biggs, Matt Eaton, Scott Clark and Nigel Knight all joined the weekend shenanigans. Along with a host of other regulars within the Asylum ‘group.’ A great weekend and the added bonus that Oak’s larger residents Saddlebag and Casper the Ghostie also came out on Halloween night, a very fitting way to end the weekend and kudos to all that caught. (I of course, didn’t.) Within the Asylum we have a host of anglers, some more social than others. People such as Chris, Matt, Scotty and Pinner. Who all fish regularly and compete up and down the South in many competitions. 2015 already promises to be a very big year for all involved and with the rumor’s of an in house Cup on the horizon. The CARPAsylum was originally set up for a laid back and friendly approach to the carp fishing world, we sit here today with over three hundred likes on a page and the opportunity to grow and expand even more. The people we find ourselves surrounded by are some of the nicest and most caring people within the local fishing lakes and venues. And we couldn’t be happier with them who have opted to join the Asylum and take it further than we could have ever expected, so for that we thank everyone who has ever been involved or invited to a session or social with us. Finally, and to the point? Been waiting for this haven’t you… Myself (David.) And Marcus have been approached and now have the opportunity to begin another adventure, while flying the Asylum flag we shall also be on the field testing team for Ashima! A fresh and exciting company that offer everything from bolie needles to leaders, braids and hooks. We now look forward to using this product and putting it through the paces at various venues and locations. A special thank you to Asylum man and Ashima media guru Jason Budd who helped and assisted in everyway possible to allow this opportunity. All I can say is that the future is looking very exciting for all involved, the CARPAsylum will grow yet stronger and bigger as the months pass by and now with the added bonus with the affiliation for myself and Marcus with Ashima. We can test and continue to do what we love. I personally cant wait to take to the bank and begin a detailed blog for the gentlemen at Ashima, writing is a passion and something I enjoy. So here’s to a very bright and prosperous future for all parties involved. Kind Regards, David. **** We are really happy to have you as part of the team!! 2015 just got that much more exciting!!!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:43:17 +0000

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