News, Rumors, and Opinions Early Monday - TopicsExpress


News, Rumors, and Opinions Early Monday Evening 1/19/2015 Stage3Alpha: OilRat January 19, 2015 at 2:56pm 1-19-2015 sczin11 THEY ARE TELLING THEIR PEOPLE ABOUT THE VALUE OF ONLINE BUYING AND SELLING, INTERNATIONALLY! USE EBAY, PAYPAL, AMAZON, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE... .WOW! HOW CAN THEY USE PAYPAL WITHOUT THE ABILITY FOR THEIR DINARS TO BE EXCHANGED, AND CONVERTED TO THE CURRENCY THEY ARE BUYING FROM? Janie > OilRat bingo :) ********** Oldschool January 19, 2015 at 4:05pm I am going to take Exogen.s advice and think positive!! I have stayed silent for a long time. One I lost my main contact he went silent. Also I have been taught if you dont have anything good to say dont say it. I think everyone is watching the can get kicked down the road and getting upset. What we should be doing is paying attention to the foot that is kicking it!! We are so focused on making money off of the dinar that the can kickers are making a fortune while we stare aimlessly at the can. There was a lot of money that got moved before the Swiss pulled out. You watch as more gets moved this week while others jump ship. We should be looking at what other currencys are going to spike by removing the toxic euro !! Trust me there is going to be a lot of shaking the next few weeks. And the good old USA does not plan on being in the bottom of the pile. We need to stop thinking like a bunch of toothless crack heads and start thinking like the millionaires we are getting ready to be. If we play it smart who knows we may be millianairs before the dinar even goes!! lets stay focussed team alpha!!! R.V. / GCR Quick who can say bait and switch on Friday........ECB (ECB - The European Central Bank)...and what QE....not gonna happen let them fail. The AOP have already started corporation will. Continue to bail each other out, until they collapse anything not strong enough to continue...operation Panda Vinman > R.V. / GCR Germany will not go for QE and will back out of Euro eventually. I believe you are correct. Then Greece gets a new government Sunday and declares they are going back to the dracma. Going to be an interesting wild week. :-) Janie > Vinman throw in the possibility of France doing the same, and Denmark. Kiss of death for the Euro. Exciting times :) Sqwatchy January 19, 2015 at 5:39pm ECB QE: WILL BE ON A NATIONAL CENTRAL BANK LEVEL. EACH COUNTRY, AND THEIR OWN CURRENCY, DEBT OF THEIR OWN SOVERIGN.........ANOTHER WAY OF SAYING A GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET IS COMING. ********** EXOGEN January 19, 2015 Will China pull a “Switzerland” on the US Dollar? https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=94O6nkQgQiQ#t=0 ********** Sqwatchy January 19, 2015 at 4:37pm Bloomberg Prepare for the largest wealth transfer in history marketwatch/story/prepare-for-the-largest-wealth-transfer-in-history-2015-01-13 *************************** OOM&F: [..Sambo] ATTN ALL: I just talked to Okie - Please keep him in your prayers - he is having health issues - his COPD has been giving him problems and to compound things he has shingles and do everything to keep from scratching his skin off. PLEASE PRAY for our Brother OKIE. **************************** Dinar Updates: Poppy3 ...talked to iraq contact and he said one thing new for the first time in a couple years...kuwait started shipping to and through iraq. This shows what we have been saying that isis reports have been blown way out of proportion...this is great news for them and us *******************************.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:11:00 +0000

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