News crews from all over America are booking rooms in - TopicsExpress


News crews from all over America are booking rooms in Dublin. The Revolution will be televised. - The Taoiseach said it was not for him to comment on “who’s going to march and who’s not going to march” on Wednesday when asked for his views on people potentially taking the day off work to take part in the protest. - Here are some comments from this article... Pat Mullan - I am marching in Dublin for the first time ever. Had you asked me to do this a few years ago i would have just went with the herd and stayed at home. The last few years have been hard as i watch all the youth in our parish head to foreign lands leaving a very big gap in our rural community. I struggle from week to week and when i think i have a few Euros for myself another disguised bill comes in the door. I cant do this anymore. I wont do this anymore. This merrygoround has just ground to a halt and im not getting back on. I sat down and started to read how the banks and the government bodies dealth with this situation and came to one conclusion. It Stops Here. Period! Maura Harkin - The people’s biggest concern has NOT been dealt with; Fine Gael / Labour are still in Government. So I shall be travelling again, at my own expense, again, from NE Donegal (9 hours, round trip) to the protest. This bullshit about “organisations” is the very limit!! I do not belong to any political party, or any group, I am a private Irish citizen and I represent no one but myself. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it €nda!! And what is said in this comment should prove embarrassing for our media, and hopefully the rest of the worlds media may play a part in this uprising! Martin Byrne - The Detroit protestors arrival bring the interest of several US TV networks and newspapers to cover our protest they include. CBS, CBC, NBC, MSNBC, Detroit news, LAtimes, NYtimes, Huffington post, all have been covering the water protest closely and now they will pay attention to our struggle. News crews from all over America are booking rooms in Dublin.…/
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 00:04:58 +0000

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